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8 Bulldogs today:
Raleigh Davis (`53)
Ronald Olsen (`59)
Peggy Garner Bezold (`62)
Tom Gosseen (`75)
John Keltch (`83)
Julie Ward Estes (`83)
Kim McDonald (`85)
Karene Hill (`95)
From: Raleigh Davis (`53)
I am a `53 alum and would like to get info about any others.
Raleigh Davis (`53)
From: Ronald Olsen (`59)
To Bob Gregson, re your insights into your father. He is still my example of the premier educator. I have used him as an example of the fact that the basics are essential for learning and everything else is fluff. He taught us Chemistry and Physics (the physics was done in 3 quarters after we ran the physics teacher off) and I had over 3 quarters of college Chem and 2 quarters of college Physics before there was anything new. I think that is outstanding. I thought that his brand of discipline was exemplary. We need that blend of toughness and compassion today.
All of the best to all of the PHS grads in this season of thankfulness.
Ronald Olsen (`59)
Moses Lake, WA
From: Peggy Garner Bezold (`62)
To Irma Zacher:
I understand Doris Lisk and her daughter, Jamelyn, are now living in Pasco. I did not have Mrs. Lisk as a teacher but always heard wonderful things about her. I had Miss Ogata for English and she was also our Sinewesah staff advisor. She was a great advisor, even letting some of us take her 57 Chevy to sell ads for the yearbook (can you imagine?!). We did not abuse the privilege with the exception of a time or two going to the Artic Circle for a Coke and fries (with special sauce, of course) before we returned to class.
Peggy Garner Bezold (`62)
Pasco, WA
From: Tom Gosseen (`75)
PHS Glory Days:
It's been great hearing from some of the earlier Pasco grads and their experiences I only remember from childhood stories. I'd like to here from some of the 70's graduates, though.
My time at PHS seems like a fantasy to me now. I had so many wonderful adventures there, I sometimes feel guilty when I talk about it. Whenever I think back to those years, my thoughts go first to Homecoming. The Kennewick -
Pasco duel was a great rivalry that should have never been severed. I remember as a sophomore, watching the likes of Jack Lamb, Tom Savage and Randy Wanamaker play with such reckless abandon that I would wince in anticipation at the snap of the ball (from the stands, thank you very much). And Rayford Guice (spelling ?) gliding around the end on his famous slot-4-counter run against Moreno and the Walla Walla Blue Devils, holding the ball out in front of Moreno's face as he galloped into the end zone. Anyone remember that?!
I could go on for pages talking about memories such as: Hancock's Everyday Law class; Brother Wise (Mr. Wiseman) and his rubber band skills; Bill Till's two-hand half-court shot; Mr. Glover and the WASCO; the sound of cleats marching down the ramp into Edgar Brown before we kicked some Bomber butt; and on and on . . . Well, you get the idea. So, please, let's here it from some of you disco-era Bulldogs.
And a special hello to Karen Welsh. Would love to hear from you sometime. Oh, and to Dave Yasemsky -- remember the Spokane Relay bus trip in 1973?
Tom "Goose" Gosseen (`75)
Burien, WA
From: John Keltch (`83)
Alumni Basketball Game:
Here is an update! On December 23, 2002 Monday, at 630pm at Pasco High Gymnasium come and see 2 basketball games of former glory! Game 1 at 630pm will be the Old Timer Game - classes 1989 and older (featuring class of 1983 players Ellery Raines, Nolan Harper, Kedrich Jackson, Joe Day, Ernest Sanders, and John Keltch) vs. a team From 1990 to 1995, (featuring current PHS head coach Chad Herron and his team of favorites). The 8pm game will be 1996 to 1999 vs. 2000 to 2001! Come watch and help raise money for Pasco High Basketball!
Thank You,
John Keltch (`83)
Pasco, WA
From: Julie Ward Estes (`83)
Alumni Basketball Game:
Two alumni boys basketball games have been scheduled for December 23rd at 6 pm and 8 pm. The 6 pm game will include Classes 89 and older against 90 to 95. The 8pm game is 96 to 99 against 01 to 02. The Class of 83 initiated the event as a fundraiser to help offset reunion costs.
There will also be half-time entertainment, possibly an alumni band performing, and some type of raffle (50/50).
With family coming in for the holidays, this would be a great event to take them to. If you remember the Class of 83 had a number of top-notch athletes that packed the gym with fans every game. I hope you can make it. Contact the school for more information.
Julie Ward Estes (`83)
Pasco, WA
From: Kim McDonald (`85)
Wow, I came on a few weeks ago just to say thanks for the site and got a few emails from some long lost friends! How great. After reading some of the comments here about favorite teachers I have to say that through the years there have been some PHS teachers that I've thought of often. Not too many people knew that I was an emancipated minor and on my own as a junior and senior -- that made things tough but a lot of credit for my sticking to it went to people like Bill Till. I will never forget him. I don't even think he'll ever realize the impact he had on me and a lot of students at PHS. I graduated with honors and went on to a long career in radio, and have never forgotten how teachers like Mr. Till had a part in that. Thank you.
Hey, Class of `85, let me know how you're doing.
Take Care!
Kim McDonald (`85)
Olympia, WA
From: Karene Hill (`95)
Hello everyone!!!!
Well it has been so many years since I have heard from anyone and occasionally I get little notes here on the Alumni online so here goes my little in put.
I think the idea of getting together to 28th of December is a wonderful and long awaited plan of action.
I was just thinking. We should start planning a ten year reunion or something. Ten years is a long time. Possibly getting together would give us a little time to discuss what we would all like to see happen. Our Ten year is only 2.5 years away.
Let me know what you all think. Or if you know that someone has already started this project.
As for me I am living in Seattle, Washington. I work for a daycare in Bothell teaching preschool. I was in the Tri-Cities for the past year, but have since moved back to Seattle. I have a bachelors in Theology and Christian Education and I am currently working on a Masters in Adult Education (MAED). Hey Blaine, guess which school I am doing it through? The University of Phoenix Online. It is a wonderful program.
Anyways, I am through rambling for the time. Look forward to seeing everyone in a few weeks.
Karene Hill (`95)
Seattle, WA