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5 Bulldogs today:
Nita Benson Rettinghouse (`46)
Causna Beebe Albin (`60)
George Conner (`61WB)
Jan Cruzen Francis (`64)
Le'Ann McAllister Cherry (`67)
From: Nita Benson Rettinghouse (`46)
To Whimpy Jones (PHS-42):
I concur with your recollections of "Gene & Jules" though you had much greater background than me. It's nice to see another Alumni from the "40's. Would love to see more.
To Irma Zacher (PHS-60):
Gosh girl, I wish I had your memory for details & history. Love reading your replies to other Alumni as it does spark my memory. As for the "Moore Mansion" my memories include the home as a private residence of Jim Reinken's family (PHS-48) then the Havstad family (Martha) PHS-45. During these years my mother, sister Midge (PHS-48) & I entertained as the "Benson Trio" at several Red Cross Tea fundraisers hosted by the owners of the home. Another family resided there (whose name I can't recall) after that and then it was empty for awhile when it became haven to the homeless & less fortunate before becoming a nursing home. I was delighted when it was purchased by the Carr's & restored. Its ultimate demise is a tragic loss to the community. (Did they ever find Jack Carr?)
I recall another historical loss to our town when the Horrigan home on Lewis & 7th was demolished to make room for the new "Best Western" Motel which is now the Pasco Business Complex(?). That home had such a unique design.
To all Local Alumni planning future reunions:
Please contact me thru the
We would very much like to be a part of your classmates for the archives. Remember us when you're cleaning house or moving! We want your old Yearbooks (Jr. Hi, High & those from other schools in Fr. Co.) and any other memorabilia pertaining to Franklin Co. or Pasco.
Nita Benson Rettinghouse (`46)
Pasco, WA
From: Causna Beebe Albin (`60)
Someone had asked about Mr. Ken Seibert -- truly one of the best teachers at PHS.
He came to Spokane to retire and fortunately I saw him a couple of times in a grocery store. He said that the "kids" were really becoming unruly and that it wasn't worth it.
For all of us that had Mr. Seibert -- he had us memorize the poem "THE RHYME OF THE ANCIENT MARINER," and the Readers Digest magazines were destroyed looking for words that he had given us to use in a sentence.
Mr. Seibert passed away here in Spokane about 8 -10 years ago -- God rest his soul for he was a great person. Remember how his eyes would twinkle when he was about to burst out in laughter -- for the most part it wasn't all that easy to get him to laugh. On a rare occasion, I am sure, we were part of that "rowdy" bunch.
Did they not have "labor" laws in 1960? Thirteen sounds like a pretty young age, it probably kept some boys out of trouble, do you think?
Causna Beebe Albin (`60)
Spokane, WA
From: George Conner (`61WB)
I was one of those box boys that worked at the Eastside Market during the years of 1959 and 1960. I lived two blocks from the Westside Market but walked to the Eastside Market each day to work until 9:00pm each evening. Gene and Jules were the owners and Willie worked the bottles at night for 75 cents per hour.
George Conner (`61WB)
Federal Way, WA
From: Jan Cruzen Francis (`64)
Does anyone remember the wooden trophy brought to a pep rally by some area businessmen? They informed Pasco that Kennewick was sending them the only trophy they were going to win on the football field. I believe that trophy ended up on someone's head at the end of the game. I believe Pasco won.
Jan Cruzen Francis (`64)
Pasco, WA
From: Le'Ann McAllister Cherry (`67)
Gene and Jules Market was the grocery store. My dad delivered to them. My dad became an umpire for high school and college basketball and football games. He was pushed into happily by the owners of the market.
Le'Ann McAllister Cherry (`67)
Kennewick, WA