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6 Bulldogs and a note from the Field Of Pride Committee today:
Larry Green (`55)
Jon Thorpe (`56)
Pat Fleming (`63)
Eileen Lew Crawford (`68)
Joe Santos (`83)
Katie Gordon Nelson (`94)
** from John Crawford
Greater Pasco Recreation Foundation
Thanks for your interest in the Field of Pride Project by participating in the Air Pasco Sale. The good news is that the field is all done and we have started playing on the field.
The bad news is that we still have to pay for the field. At this point, we are $65,000 short of funding the project.
A couple ways that you can help:
1) If you ordered shoes and have not picked them up, we still have about 100 pairs of shoes still for sale and they are located at Favorite Footwear next to Albertsons in Pasco. Unfortunately we only have basically men's sizes from 8 to 13 and women's sizes 6.5 and 7. Please, if you ordered shoes and your size is in this range, purchase your shoes.
2) We still are selling field turf certificates and accepting donations. Donations can be sent to the Greater Pasco Recreation Foundation, P.O. Box 4649, Pasco, WA 99302.
3) We have a car donated by Bulldog Motors that we have raffle tickets for sale. We are selling them at events at the stadium, at the Pasco High Athletic office, and this next weekend (Oct 12 and 13) at Food Pavillion in Pasco. The final drawing for the car will be the 21st of Dec. at the basketball game.
4) Tell your friends and employers about the need to fully fund this project.
Again, thanks for showing your pride.
John Crawford
Field Of Pride Committee
[for more info please visit http://www.pascohigh.com/fieldofpride/index.html - Paul]
From: Larry Green (`55)
To Toren True:
I was in an Algebra and General Science class your father's first year in Pasco as a freshman in the 1951-52 school year. In my senior year I took Physics from him. Over the years he was one of the high school teachers I thought of most often. In hind sight I thought he was an excellent teacher and was sorry I didn't do more to try to keep in contact with him. Having been in education for thirty-eight years before retiring, I have a pretty good idea of what he may have gone through that first year or two. I was pleased to learn he had continued his education through the doctoral level and moved on to CBC. For me he seemed to be a rather easy going person who didn't get bent out of shape with some of the conduct he had in his classes. He was always willing to review once again questions that had been asked a dozen times before. From my experience in his Algebra class I feel he put more weight on tests and quizzes than he did on "homework" assignments, because I'm certain I wasn't the only one who would occasionally (??) write down an answer to a problem as he explained it the next day. I passed all of his classes, but I probably learned more from his classes after taking them than while I was taking them because I could recall things he had talked about years later.
Larry Green (`55)
Goodyear, AZ
From: Jon Thorpe (`56)
To Toren True (74):
Mr. True was my biology instructor, I believe it was in 1955 when I was a junior. I remember that he was quite fastidious and a good teacher, good sense of humor but kept us on task. Unfortunately, I was not cut out for biology, but we got along fine and I did manage to pass. One time in the men's restroom, your Dad happened by while I was washing my hands and quite loudly he announced, to the other students in the rest room, that I was a good example of what one should do when they were finished using the rest room. Needless to say, I got a lot of you know what afterwards from the other students, but I appreciated the compliment. I also remember that your Dad was a captain in my army reserve unit while I was in Pasco, we had some great times at good old Yakima Firing Range.
I left Pasco in 1959, did your Dad go on to retire from CBC or did he choose another career?
Jon Thorpe (`56)
Tacoma, WA
From: Pat Fleming (`63)
To Mary Jo Cravens:
What a memory. "Dutch" Schnellbacker's real name was Phillip. I remember him so well. He laid brick during the day and farmed at night. When my dad first got up here to lay brick he was whistling on the job and Dutch asked dad if he could whistle "far, far away?" Dad said he did not know that song and Dutch said "no I want you to whistle far, far away from here." They became great friends after that. Dutch actually threw a brick hammer at an architect who referred to him as a "block layer." Dutch yelled at him, threw his brick hammer and said "I am a brick mason, not a G. D. block layer." They don't make people like Dutch anymore. The story goes that he walked away from his apprenticeship in Germany and hopped a ship to America where he continued the trade. Dutch had a very distinctive voice. Once I was looking at a `53 Buick, which was listed in the paper, when I heard this unique voice coming from the other room. It was Dutch who was visiting his friend, the Buick's owner. The owner told Dutch that everyone knew him. Good memories, good people.
Pat Fleming (`63)
Kennewick, WA
From: Eileen Lew Crawford (`68)
Do any of you remember how great homecoming was? I can remember the rivalry between Kennewick and Pasco. It was great. The bonfire. Kennewick's red toilets. The cheer, "roll pumpkin roll." Do any of you have any great homecoming memories you would like to share?
The parade this year is at 6:00 pm on Friday, October 18th. I think the route is the same. It is always fun to watch our "good kids."
This year PHS plays Davis. I know it's not quite the same as the old days, but it should be a good game anyway. Always a good game when the Bulldogs win. Game time is 7:30 pm.
Come on down and cheer on the home team. Also, take a look at our marching band, new director, new uniforms and a great bunch of 65 kids.
ALSO, for all you ex-bandies, Cavalcade of Bands is Saturday, October 5 at Edgar Brown Stadium. There are 26 or was it 28 entries. The bands are really quite impressive. Come and watch our kids perform. It is outstanding entertainment.
[Sorry this didn't get published before Cavalcade of Bands - Paul]
If you see John Morgan, ask him how good the lottery was to him. I hear he has quite a story to tell.
You all take care, I will be waiting for your great memories.
Thanks for sharing.
Eileen Lew Crawford (`68)
Pasco, WA
From: Joe Santos (`83)
I visited Pasco in mid September, and I was astonished at how great the remodeled Edgar Brown Memorial Stadium looked. Kudos to everybody involved. I would also like to encourage any alumni who still reside in the Tri-Cities to checkout the Eastern Washington Watercolor Society National exhibition/competition. Some of the best watercolorists from around the country will be exhibiting there. It will be at the Allied Arts gallery in Richland until October 25. Two of my paintings are being exhibited. If you would like to see more of my work, go to http://joesantos.com
Joe Santos (`83)
Huntington Beach, CA
From: Katie Gordon Nelson (`94)
Campbell's is donating a can of soup (up to 5 million) to area food banks just by clicking on a helmet at their website. It's quick, easy and can be done once a day. Make this your home page for a week or two and vote daily!
Katie Gordon Nelson (`94)
Pasco, WA