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4 Bulldog alumni notes today:
Ron Dupuis (62)
Melinda Smathers Dupuis (65)
Cliff Brown (67)
Marci Enloe Miller (92)
From: Ron Dupuis (62)
To those who have inquired about the homecoming game this year I have been informed by a former classmate who works at the school that it will be against Kennewick. Just like the old days when that was the final game and the homecoming game every year. Where can I find a schedule of the Bulldogs for this year. I want to know if they have a home game the first or second week-end in October. Thanks.
To Art Weltz:
Art, which house is yours again at the golf course? I know it's by the ninth tee, but wasn't sure exactly which one it is.
Ron Dupuis (62)
Snohomish, WA
[Ron, the Bulldogs' football schedule is on the archives web site shown at the bottom of all of these e-mails. Click on Bulldog Sports (under the Bulldog) on the main page. Then select Football 2001. - Paul]
From: Melinda Smathers Dupuis (65)
There they were, up in the sky.
Many innocent people were going to die.
Four planes taken over, turned around,
For death and destruction they were bound.
It was the devil himself piloting the planes
With poison and hate pulsing through his veins.
As the buildings fell, crumbled to the earth,
America was shrouded by sadness, there was no mirth.
Don't they understand, don't they know,
This type of action will only make us grow.
Every single American was touched by this hate.
Those responsible will be found and meet their fate.
What has taken place is like a horrific dream,
But dream it is not. It is a hateful scheme!
Through the sadness, through the tears,
America will heal even if it takes years.
America and its people will not fail,
America and its people will prevail.-------
Melinda Smathers Dupuis (65)
Snohomish, WA
From: Cliff Brown (67)
Re the Flume: Near those hills across from the 300 area, irrigation water runs down a long sloping concrete chute into the river. The irrigation water is warm, having traveled in small canals all over the Columbia Basin. Because it is warm, and probably because it is also full of run off fertilizer, some great slippery moss grows in the bottom of that concrete chute, which a big rectangular trough with walls about 10 feet high. These days, it has high barbed wire and lots of signs saying "Keep Out", "No Trespassing", etc. It probably did then also, but we didn't notice.
Anyway, we would go out there and climb into the chute at the top of the hill, which has to be at least half a mile up the hill from the river. We'd wear old socks and stand up on the mossy surface, or sometimes just lie on our backs, and let the water sweep us down toward the river. It was just like skiing, only better because it was summertime. As you got near the bottom, there was a level place just before the flume, as we called it, emptied into the river. A road crossed over the flume at this point and a chain was hanging down from the bridge. We'd have to grab onto the chain if we didn't want to get swept into the river. One kid actually died out there because there were rocks waiting below the output of the flume, on the right, and he made the dumb mistake of going head first into them. If you had to go into the river, you wanted to be on the left side of the flume for sure. It was only about 15 across the floom, but the drop was about 30 feet into the river. I missed the chain once, but was lucky enough to be on the left side. It is very difficult to really control which side you were on, since you were more or less at the mercy of the water and the moss. But it was fun!
Cliff Brown (67)
Bogota, Colombia
From: Marci Enloe Miller (92)
PHS homecoming is October 26 vs. Kennewick at 7:30 pm. Go BULLDOGS!!!
We are planning our 10-year reunion and would welcome any suggestions or ideas from others who have any input.
Marci Enloe Miller (92)
Pasco, WA