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5 Bulldogs today:
Mary Jo Cravens Schaefers (`55)
Irma Kulp Zacher (`60)
Loren Larson (`62)
Andy Johnson (`69)
Ronda Schick Szlavich (`79)
From: Mary Jo Cravens Schaefers (`55)
Remembering the Austrian exchange students.
The class of 55 entered PHS in the fall of 1951 as freshman. Going to the old high school (which many remember later as PJHS) was so much more convenient than taking the bus to the junior high at the Navy Base, especially for someone like me who lived on Shoshone Street, a short distance from school. I remember girl's P.E. with Booth (and how she made us sew our names on white blouses in large letters so she could read that and call us loudly by name) C R A V E N S! . . . I heard loudly more than once! We learned to love her! And Miss Cummings who only spent a year or two teaching home ec on the top floor where the heat got pretty intense in springtime. She disliked it immensely when we put all of the teapots on high on the stoves. What a racket that made and what trouble we were in, but she was sweet about it and we never did it again. Mr. True was new that year and test him we did. By spring we had all settled down in his classes and agreed he was a fine teacher. I still remember some kid boiling a dead squirrel in his biology classes and those snakes in the jars -- yuck!
Then there were the efforts of some of us to get aboard with Thespians and Mrs. Davidson. I tried out for the club that fall. My assignment was to do an impersonation of Julie's drunken scene in the then popular movie, Show Boat. Failed in that but the following spring I tried again and did a bit of horror from Edgar Allen Poe. This put me aboard with flying colors. And I went on with Thespians, even becoming the club president in my senior year. Such fun!
And as the years have gone by something which stands out in my memory are my encounters with the two Austrian exchange students who attended PHS that year. They spoke fluent English, but since my mom was German and had taught me a little of that language I sometimes exchanged notes and conversations with them in German. Even though I was a lowly freshman and he a junior, I was particularly fond of Gottfried Vieder. (Actually for a while I had what we used to call a school girl `crush' on him.) Both Gottfried and Helmut (Steinl, I think) lived out in the country at a farm of Dutch (can't remember the name, does anyone?). They played tennis and were very congenial boys. Maybe Bobbie Sue and Beverely (who have posted on this site and may be reading this) remember them since they were juniors that year too. The following fall I was disappointed to learn Gottfried and Helmut had returned to Austria. I wonder how their lives went and whether they ever came back to America for a visit.
Mary Jo Cravens Schaefers (`55)
Hoodsport, WA
From: Irma Kulp Zacher (`60)
To Marion (Goulet) Mann (`56),
Sounds like you are having a real adventure. YOU GO GIRL! And don't forget to have some fun. Sorry to hear of your husband's passing.
Received an email from John & Linda (Nagley) Goulet (both `60) that they were on their way to France for a two to five year working/stay. Adventuresome family, those Goulets!
To Don Essinger (`60) & Polly,
Let me know your address when you move to Phoenix, too. Who knows, maybe I'll become a snowbird some year soon, if I can get Don to comply and retire when I do in 2 to 5 years. Last I knew Jim Morrison (`60) was still in Scottsdale. SO Don, what do you think we'll have to do to get Les Bailey to our next reunion? (45th in 2005).
TO ALL: Sure enjoy seeing all the messages and memories. Seeing so many names that are familiar.
Sorry to see in the paper this week that Melvin Hendrickson, 64 years old, (about PHS `55) passed away. (Ron (`59), Bunky (`59), & Russell's (?) brother). We lost Bunky shortly after the class of `59 reunion in 1999.
Trivia: I have another of Ron Hendrickson's granddaughter's in my first grade class this year. I had an older sister about 7 years ago. They are both beautiful girls. Must come from good stock. It's special having children (or grandchildren, as it more often is of late) of friends in my classroom.
Until next time. . .
Irma Kulp Zacher (`60)
Pasco, WA
From: Loren Larson (`62)
Bulldog Golf Tournament
To all Bulldogs and those friends of ours and to those who knew Bob Hull, we would like to extend an invitation to play in a golf tournament on October 12 of this year at Sun Willows golf course in Pasco. We have set aside forty spots (1st tee time 11:45) for the tournament and these will be filled on a first come first served basis. When they are gone, they are gone. This tournament is to honor a very good friend and giving person who passed away from cancer on Aug. 29th. We wish to honor Bob Hull, his memory and to keep alive his spirit by having this tournament. To those who have played in our tournaments you know that the format is quite unusual but everyone seems to have enjoyed themselves very much. We want people to have a good time because Bob had a good time with his life. We also maintain the game of Golf and add nostalgia and test your nerves and strategy. Bob got a real kick out of the format when I read it to him while he was confined to his bed in hospice. I know he would have loved to have played in the tournament with all of us but he will be with us in spirit. If you would like to play in the tournament please contact us as soon as possible at our e-mail or via phone. The tournament will be a scrambler-type format, but that is where anything resembling a normal golf tournament ends. We are also using the tournament as a fund raiser, which will be donated in the name of Bob either as some type of scholarship or donation to a local sport that he loved and was very good at, baseball. Many of you may not know that Bob was an exceptional player with one of the best arms many of us have ever seen. Unfortunately, his talent was not always recognized by the high school coaches, which has happened to more than one athlete that we all may have heard about. We hope that we will hear from you soon for those who wish to join us for a lot of fun on the 12th of October. If any of you have a business and would like to be a sponsor please let us know. Ron has his own business is going to be one of the sponsors. If anyone else would like to become one, please let us know. Thank you and hope to see you at the tournament. The particulars haven't been formulated, but will be soon and we will post that information and send you an e-mail.
Loren and Ron
Ron Dupuis
Loren Larson
Loren Larson (`62)
Edmonds, WA
From: Andy Johnson (`69)
To Linda Williams Shaw (`67):
Nice to hear that you reside in the Southwest. Not much water in your neck of the woods. Had a nice chat with your brother Michael (`70) not too long ago. Was in your town in 1994 with Jordan International Circus for 13 months. Believe I liked Tempe the best.
Best wishes,
Andy Johnson (`69)
Pasco, WA
From: Ronda Schick Szlavich (`79)
OK, I enjoy reading all the updates from the years past. Where the heck are all the class members of 1979? I have gotten an email from Rick M, but he was a Sr when I was a Soph. It was great to hear from you Rick. Long time no hear from Dr. Kip. What are you up to these days? Let's get on the ball fellow class members. Take care from Minnesota.
Ronda Schick Szlavich (`79)
Wyoming, MN