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15 Bulldogs, a Bomber, and a fund-raising update today:
Mary Lynne Foster Horton (`54)
Mike Pugh (`56)
Janet Janes Wolf (`58)
Linda Hensley Boblet (`58)
Julie Hensley Blaswich (`60)
Irma Kulp Zacher (`60)
Janice Woods Ehrke (`60)
Carol Haddox Cubilie (`62)
Ginger Mitchell Wedin (`64)
JoAnn St.Pierre Donohue (`65)
Ron Buckles (`67)
Michele Johnson Moffatt ('72)
Valerie Hayles Moffitt (`74)
Michael Mashburn ('77 RHS)
Deborah Case Sundblad (`88)
Molly Herres Fisher (`90)
** Editorial note:
No newsletters were sent this past week because I was in Las Vegas cooling off (my wallet, that is), so things stacked up a bit. Came back to more than 40 e-mails in the PHS Alumni in-box! A bunch of new subscribers and several newsletter entries. - Paul
** Nike Air Pasco and stadium fund-raising update:
Following is the text from a postcard that John Crawford sent out on August 19. Any questions can be directed to John via
or phone (539-0678).
FROM: Greater Pasco Recreation Foundation, Field of Pride Project
TO: Field of Pride Supporters Who Were Not Able to Purchase "Air Pascos"
We have been officially notified by Nike that there are no women's Air Pasco shoes in either the gray or powder blue available for shipment. Unfortunately, Nike is not going to make any more of these color styles. This means that we will not be able to fill any of the remaining women's shoe orders. (We still have some 6.5 and 7's in powder blue left from our original stock).
Nike is, however, shipping us most of the remaining men's orders with the exception of the very large sizes (14 and 15) which are also not available. We have scheduled one last shoe sale at Edgar Brown Stadium to distribute these shoes and to refund anyone who prepaid and whose order could not be filled. The sale date is Wednesday, September 4th from 4:00pm to 8:00pm. Any Air Pasco's remaining after the September 4th sale will be moved to Favorite Footwear on 20th & Court in Pasco (next to Albertson's). They will sell the Air Pasco's for the Foundation, with a portion going toward the Field of Pride project.
At this time, we are still $70,000 short of our goal and hope that you will continue to support this important community project by purchasing turf or encourage your employer and friends to purchase some turf. All you have to do is mail a check to us at PO Box 4649, Pasco, WA 99302. All donors will receive a certificate and be listed on a permanent plaque at Edgar Brown Stadium. We thank you for your overwhelming support and commitment to this project and are sorry for any inconvenience we may have caused. We look forward to welcoming you to our new field this fall.
From: Mary Lynne Foster Horton (`54)
Hi Bobbie Sue,
It was good "hearing" from you. My brother, your classmate and friend, Lyle Foster, asked me the other day about a class reunion for your class, so I forwarded your letter to him. He lives in San Diego. I live in St. George, Utah.
I loved reading about your wonderful memories of Pasco. I ran around with so many friends from your class (1953) even though I was in the 1954 class. Slumber parties over at Maggie Hoke's. I saw Kay McGourin this past summer (Spokane) and we had a great visit. I also stopped by and saw Dick McNeese and LaRea in Moses Lake. I recall my association at Rainbow Girls with Bev Westerfield (`53) and others. Waleta Dendurant stands out in my memories as she was my mentor on the Sinewesah Staff. That's where a few years later I worked with Gary Miller and Libby Rodgers, and others. Fun.
Yes, I recall the swims and parties out on the sand dunes. And Joe Amsted and Ed Goulet pushing over out houses on Halloween. Remember Jo Cornell's parties? All of us girls used to sleep out in our sleeping bags under the stars on her back lawn on the Columbia River. And I believe I was the cuer when you and my brother played "The Barretts of Wimpole Street." I was ALWAYS at play practices for every play, it seems. I loved our Thespian Club! So many wonderful memories.
I've been a widow these past six years. Our four "kids" live in four different states from Georgia to California. We have 17 grandchildren. Life is good.
"Talk to you later."
Mary Lynne Foster Horton (`54)
St. George, UT
From: Mike Pugh (`56)
To: Mary Jo Cravens Schaefers (55)
Nancy Jane Blevins Thorpe (56)
Don Bailey (56)
Great to read about all of you -- it sure brings back some memories. Mary Jo: I'm not sure I remember this correctly, but wasn't there a home right across from the high school where many of us gathered for nightly parties? Who lived there? And yes Nancy, believe it or not I do remember the ping pong and the tennis. Wasn't the tennis team composed of John, Charlie Cook, Don Bailey, myself and ?? I wonder if one of the Cresswells (Don) played tennis.
Great to hear the name of Don Bailey again. Hello Don! What's been going on all of these years? Another name I inadvertently left out was a close friend, Roger Hastings, who also lived close to the high school. Roger (class of 57) still lives and works in the Tri-Cities. Occasionally we communicate. After PHS I went to Gonzaga for three years and then took a one-year plus break for a wonderful experience with the Chad Mitchell Trio and folk music which was born from another great adventure with Lyle Moore and the Gonzaga Men's Glee Club. Then it was 20 years with the Army, which included Vietnam and a year with a MASH Hospital in Korea; 15 years as a Hospital CEO; and have been enjoying retirement since 1997. My wife and I have been traveling outside the US frequently, and spend our summer months along the coast of Maine. West Palm Beach, Florida, has been our permanent residence since 1984. If any of you ever are visiting South Florida, just let us know -- maybe we can get together, schedules permitting.
Again, great hearing from all of you. This website is special. Have a great summer.
Mike Pugh (`56)
West Palm Beach, FL
From: Janet Janes Wolf (`58)
My mother (84 yrs. old) & I were reminiscing this weekend while driving to the Leavenworth area. She reminded me that she worked at the Sweet Shoppe in Pasco, which was next to the Liberty Theater on 4th. Anyone out there remember it? They made the best milkshakes (way before drive-ins & cruising). We lived in Navy Homes at the time and Mom walked to work & back while Donna Rombough (she graduated from Pasco High, but not sure what year) stayed with my brother, Clyde, & me.
I have fond memories of the time we spent in Navy Homes. We were a diverse group. My dad was a truck driver, and living nearby were doctors, lawyers, and even a Colonel, later to be known as Vice-Principal, Gregson.
I'm not sure how old I was when Gloria Owens & I went to Volunteer Park to play. She was Catholic & I had never seen a Catholic church so she offered me a tour. We ended up just visiting with Father Schmitz at the rectory next door. I was enthralled with his library and all those books. When we decided to leave he said he would drive us since it was getting dark. We were met at the outskirts of Navy Homes by a search party, who really gave poor Fr. Schmitz the third degree. I have no idea how long we were gone, but apparently several hours. We were totally oblivious to all the concern we had caused. Oh, to be so young & innocent.
While I was in Leavenworth, I visited with Jim Head and told him about this wonderful site. He promised to look it up and send a message soon.
Janet Janes Wolf (`58)
Nine Mile Falls, WA
From: Linda Hensley Boblet (`58)
To Nancy Blevins Thorpe,
Thanks for the information on Dick Bruce. I'll let you know if I find him.
It is very fun to read all these entries. I remember a lot of the memories mentioned. Several people have mentioned when we went to school at the old Navy Base. I went to the 3rd grade there. I think my teacher's name was Ms. Parker. I remember going to the indoor pool out there. Wow, was that a long time ago......
Does anyone remember going to the Saturday movies? The ones that were continued each week? Batman was one. Can't even buy a candy bar now for what we paid to go see a movie.
What about the old skating rink in Pasco. I remember going there a few times, too.
Linda Hensley Boblet (`58)
Kennewick, WA
From: Irma Kulp Zacher (`60)
Greetings to you all and especially `60 PHSers Don Evans, Julie Hensley Blaswich, Cheryl Epp Hair, Julie Whitby Kennedy, et al, and `59-Suzanne Vance Humphrey. I remember you all fondly and recall many wonderful memories of our PHS days together.
Also, Loren Larson, I remember you, too. Thanks for the update on Bob Hull. So sad to hear he is having difficulties. Thanks for sharing.
Would love to have observed the PHS-'62 Reunion fun happening at Clapper's home Friday night. I got an invite from Gary Baumgartner to crash the party, but was heading out of town. I know the fun must have gone on for many hours. Doyle Clapper nearly always joins our `60 reunion celebrations and adds hilarity to our events. Hope the rest of the weekend was memorable for your class, also. Ran into Billie (Bull) last week and she was looking forward to a great reunion weekend.
Hope PHS `67 reunion was also a success!
Since I am usually involved with PHS `60 reunion plans -- if you Reunion Committee Members have any great ideas that worked or ones that should definitely not be tried, I would love to get some input for our next reunion in 2005. Never hurts to start early.
Isn't our Edgar Brown Stadium beautiful? Thanks Paul Case for putting pictures on the web. I have heard many people remarking on having donated to the "Turf" project and also the purchase of the Air Pasco Nike sale. By the way, what is the status of the Nike September fitting? I have had people asking. Are they still for sale? Can they still be ordered?
I even ran into a Kennewick couple who purchased in July, Pasco Nikes for their German foreign exchange student and mailed Nikes to Germany at $30 charge. That's community commitment!!! Isn't the Tri-Cities great?!
Suzanne Vance -- I remember helping Sharon (Odegaard) `59, change water pipes way out Rd. 68, around 1958, and fluming to cool off when pipes were changed. I lived `WAY-OUT" on road 32 and Court Street (chuckle) and helped Bob Edwards (62) and sister Connie (`61) Edwards Coppersmith (Glen), change pipes at their home across the street from ours (at Pasco Concrete Products) and also loaded hay bales on the flat trailers and hauled to hay stacks for unloading. There was still sagebrush and sand around our house. Later the Heidi House and then the Tri-City Mailing Center were built just to the west of us. My family home was razed after my folks retired and sold out. The Coffee Break Restaurant, et al, are there now. Life was never dull and there was always something to keep most of us busy, helping our families and working jobs in our teen years. Young'uns who lived way out did not have a corner on the market for being too busy to attend all the fun activites, but I do know you pioneering farmers worked very hard to make our farm community productive. We sub-town kids also learned work ethics. Rarely had spare time to burn.
Connie, Bob and I rode horses across the sage and sand, from Rd. 32 to Rd. 68 to change water pipes at Sullivans farm in the late `50s. We would try to go early to beat the Pasco heat. If we were lucky to have time on our hands we would go to the Passport Plunge big indoor Navy pool out 4th Street, to revitalize ourselves. Those were great days. We could walk, ride horses, bikes or hitch rides to our destinations with no thought to the dangers that seem to be prevelant in our world today. We were very trusting.
Sure enjoy all the memories from everyone. Keep us linked, Paul, and thanks.
Irma Kulp Zacher (`60)
Pasco, WA
From: Janice Woods Ehrke (`60)
Julie Hensley:
A couple of years ago, Judy Geil and Corinne Buckingham came to San Francisco for a short visit and Judy contacted Ana Harris and she joined us for breakfast one of the mornings. Had a good time remembering.
Don Evans:
Welcome, this site's great, huh? Henderson, NV -- isn't that by Las Vegas?
Got drawn for Wyoming deer hunting this year so we will be crossing NV on our way to the Bid Game in Thermopolis! So what are you doing now? I just retired from City and County of San Francisco last October. Boy, this is the life I should have had without having to worry about that pesky paycheck!
Good to hear from you.
Cheryl Epp:
Happy to read your note. Do you remember being in "The Mikado?" Great fun -- as I remember, you had a very nice voice. Do you still sing?
Julia Whitby:
Hi Julia. Ditto on Mr. Eufer(sp?) -- he WAS easy on the eyes. Wasn't it Mr. Gower who taught algebra? I remember lots of stories about the working in the "oil Fields" that took up a lot of algebra time, I was also the only girl in the class. Strange!
Sharon Cornelius, JoAnne Whitten, Bev Mast, others:
Do you remember dancing class at Hoffman Studios? Although the instruction left something to be desired, it inspired a life long love of the ballet. Do you remember being on TV doing the Mexican Hat dance? As I remember, it was Channel 19, and that was the only channel the Tri-Cities had. Talk about a captive audience! Are there others out there that were aspiring dancers?
Judy Jackson:
One of the infamous Judy's of PHS along with Geil, Fink, Jump, etc. So glad to read your note, where are you now?
JoAnn St. Pierre:
Would you believe I was at PacBell Park when Barry Bonds hit his 500 homer, only I had to see it on the TV Monitor in the hallway. I was stuck in the line for the garlic fries!
Until next time,
Janice Woods Ehrke (`60), sister of the handsome Kenny Woods ('59)
Woodland, CA
From: Julie Hensley Blaswich (`60)
To Don Evans, `60:
Hi Don. Nice to see your entry on here. Seeing your name made me remember a funny incident that happened when we were in junior high. You had given me your ring (for a brief period :-) ), somehow it came off the chain I wore it on and I looked everywhere but couldn't find it. I lay on my bed in tears over that when here came my little dog up on my bed. Lo and behold, she had the ring in her mouth and had brought it to me - true story. Haven't thought of that in years.
Julie Hensley Blaswich (`60)
Camano Island, WA
From: Carol Haddox Cubilie (`62)
Well, to those who did not attend our class of 62 reunion, you missed a wonderful weekend. This was the BEST reunion ever!!! Joyce, Chris, Jean, Doyle and Jeff are a wonderful team and the evidence of their hard work was very evident. I know there were others involved but these people did most of the behind the scenes stuff.
Before I left, I stopped to visit Bob Hull and his family. They are very loving and supportive of each other and I will remember them in my prayers.
Edna Phillips (Neal Phillips' mother) has just recently moved to the Tri-City Retirement Center and it is very difficult for her to give up her independence. She was my Sunday school teacher for many years at the Pasco First Christian Church. Mr. Phillips (who passed away 2 years ago) and my mother used to race to see who would have the first ripe tomatoes every year when we lived across the alley from each other next to Longfellow. Mrs. Velma Parker, who taught 4th grade at Longfellow, is also a resident there, very mentally alert, and remembered that I used to grade workbooks for her when I was in 6th grade.
I called my sisters, Barbara and Linda and told them all about our great reunion and the fact that we always have a theme to help keep everyone interested. We are very fortunate to have such great classmates who work so hard for us all to have a good time to reminisce together. It was a wonderful time and the thank goodness for name tags for those short term memory lapses that Jeff talked about.
Carol Haddox Cubilie (`62)
Redmond, WA
From: Ginger Mitchell Wedin (`64)
To Roger Plockelman,
Hi Roger, I remember you quite well! John reads this, so he should reply, and I may have some of this wrong -- He does research in Ft. Collins and works as adjunct faculty at CSU -- huge Ram fan! He spent time this summer fighting fires with a bucket hanging from his helicopter (Wy Natl Guard), fought as a helicopter pilot in both Nam and Desert Storm, teaches Air Force Cadets how to fly. Jim just retired from being an engineer with oil companies -- designing oil platforms in the North Sea and such and lives in Houston, enjoys his lake cabin. Pat just retired from Intel, where he helped design that computer stuff, lives in Beaverton, OR and teaches one semester a year in Kazakstan. They all have their PHDs, all have grandkids, we all love each other and stay close by email and cell phone. I have really fun brothers, and still love being their `lil sis!
You are right, we had a great house -- we could walk out the front door and look in the PHS offices -- which meant, of course, that I never skipped school for fear of being seen! I remember my mom being a den mother and I was an unofficial cub scout. Remember the seats you made in scouts out of nail kegs?
John had that great MGB. I got to drive it once, and I wore white gloves to dress the part! My favorite car that we all drove was the white `48 Chevy coup with the starter button on the dash and the suicide knob!
OK John, your turn to write!
Ginger Mitchell Wedin (`64)
Highlands Ranch, CO
From: JoAnn St.Pierre Donohue (`65)
To Suzanne Vance Humphrey:
Suzanne, do you by chance have a sister by the of Donna Vance (PHS, class of 65)? She and I moved from the Tri-Cities to Seattle together in 1966. But we lost touch many, many years ago. I think of her often and wonder how she's doing. Are you related??
JoAnn St.Pierre Donohue (`65)
San Jose, CA
From: Ron Buckles (`67)
Hey, I read the mail on this site all the time, but high school was all a blur. Ralph Daniels, Dave Smith, and Joe Fleming, where are you? It's good to hear from some of you. I live in Las Vegas, and have started my paper work and applications to obtain an auto dealers license in California. When completed, hopefully in January, I will move to San Diego. Come buy a car. Fly in, spend the weekend and drive home.
Ron Buckles (`67)
Las Vegas, NV
From: Michele Johnson Moffatt (`72)
The 30-year class reunion was wonderful. The organizers did a great job. It was great to see a few old friends. After 30 years, no one is out to impress each other -- just to have a nice time.
Michele Johnson Moffatt (`72)
Benton City, WA
From: Valerie Hayles Moffitt (`74)
I heard today that the "Field of Pride" Edgar Brown Stadium Turf Project fundraising is at 90% and that $70,000 is left to be raised. A loan has not been needed thus far. Now is the time for Pasco Alumni to write those checks they have been meaning to write. Project details can be found at www.pascohigh.com. I suggest that they indicate what class they graduated with, pledge on line or make their tax deductible donation directly to The Greater Pasco Recreation Foundation at P.O. Box 4649, Pasco, WA 99301. The Information Hotline number is 509-543-6784 or call Le Burns, the Pasco High School Athletic Director, at 547-5581 with any questions.
It is a huge accomplishment for our hometown to locally fund such a project. I know the committee is eager to complete this phase and move on to other improvements. EBS renovation continues to be one of the best examples of Pasco's unique spirit.
Valerie Hayles Moffitt (`74)
Pasco, WA
From: Michael Mashburn (`77 RHS)
I am searching for the girl who had one of the kindest hearts I have ever known. I let her slip through my fingers 25 years ago and have not forgotten since. I have never met anyone who can compare to her.
Her name is (was) Colleen Queesenberry. I am pretty sure she graduated from Pasco High School in 1975.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Michael Mashburn ('77 RHS)
Pullman, WA
From: Deborah Case Sundblad (`88)
I am curious as to who else from 1988 is on this list? This list serv would be a great way to keep people updated on reunion info, once that time rolls around again. Laine, do you still maintain the Class of 1988 web page? Is there a way to get the word out to people about this list serv and website?
By way of update, Scott (Sundblad, `88) and I are still living in Seattle. Scott is Director of Financial Planning at a telecom company and I am still practicing employment law. We are expecting our first baby any day now. Hope to hear updates from others.
Deborah Case Sundblad (`88)
Seattle, WA
From: Molly Herres Fisher (`90)
I moved to PA in Nov 2001. It is great to see there is an alumni page to see where everybody is at now. I recently got married. No kids yet. I am currently practicing Chiropractic with one of my close friends from Chiropractic School.
Molly Herres Fisher (`90)
Bedford, PA