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9 Bulldogs and a Bomber today:
Larry Green (`55)
Sallee Crawford Bower (`55)
Lorin St. John ('55 Bomber)
Nancy "Jane" Blevins Thorpe (`56)
Julie Hensley Blaswich (`60)
Miles Jaeger (`61)
Peggy Garner Bezold (`62)
Pat Mitchell (`62)
Dawn Mylerberg Azure (`62)
David Bellomy (`75)
From: Larry Green (`55)
To Mary Jo Cravens Schaefer-'55:
The aeronautics teacher to my recollection was our classmate's father, Mr. Gower. I believe the second semester of that class was first aid. Ms. Kelly was also an Art teacher as I recall. The HMS Pinafore was fun and I think about it every once in a while.
Larry Green (`55)
Goodyear, AZ
From: Sallee Crawford Bower (`55)
To Nancy (Blevens) and Jon Thorpe:
Jon, we go wayyyyyyyyy back. I think you, Marion (Goulet) Mann and I were just pre-schoolers when we first became friends. I think you and I have been through similar stuff this past year. Glad you are better now - I am, too.
Nancy, so many fond memories of our school days as well as our association in Rainbow. Maybe our two classes will have a reunion together someday.
Sallee Crawford Bower (`55)
Pasco, WA
From: Lorin St. John ('55 Bomber)
My niece Angela (PHS 1985) sent me a list of the 84-85 boys BB team players. (Every little bit helps)
![]() Greg Travis was the leading scorer followed by Tim Sullivan.
The other two players: Dean Paxton (great aggressiveness) and Dwayne Hans (great defense) were in the starting five.
[I've updated the “Basketball History of PHS” file available on the Links To Other Swell Web Sites page on the PHS Alumni On-Line web site. - Paul]
Lorin St. John ('55 Bomber)
From: Nancy "Jane" Blevins Thorpe (`56)
O.K. Mary Jo -- the Tumbleweed was the year book at the Navy Base. I have a 1951 copy. Dawn Mylerberg was visiting us this past weekend and we were looking though it together. The Panthers won their final basketball game against Hermiston (35 to 27). How's that for research?
Remember the huge stage and gymnasium at the Navy Base? We had P.E. together, the boys on one gym and girls on the other, side by side. Most of the time we spent watching each other. I don't know how anything was ever accomplished. We also took dancing lessons in that gym and that was pretty tedious! I also remember the little store where we could buy pencils, erasers, candy and other supplies through a window. Not a very big inventory but it was pretty special to us.
That Junior High was small enough that we all knew each other well and I think that's why so many of us are still good friends and keep in touch. They truly were the "good old days."
This is a great web site and Paul is doing a great job of keeping it going. Thanks!
Nancy "Jane" Blevins Thorpe (`56)
Tacoma, WA
From: Julie Hensley Blaswich (`60)
I graduated from PHS in `60, my sister Linda in `58 and sister Shirley in `51 (I think). I got such a kick out of reading Mary Jo Cravens Schaefer's last entry. I only attended kindergarten and first grade out at the old navy facility but remember it well. I also remember Mrs. Whiteside and Mrs. McFadden in junior high at the facility by the park in town. They were both great teachers. Mrs. Whiteside had a passion for baseball and I remember we all listened to the world series together and read the well-known story of Casey, striking out.
I don't remember the old skating rink out at the old facility but do you remember the Passport Plunge? We used to swim there and it seemed so very huge as a child. Reading these entries sure brings back a lot of memories.
Julie Hensley Blaswich (`60)
Camano Island, WA
From: Miles Jaeger (`61)
To Glen Fetter:
I remember some times we had together with Bill "Dean" Cowell and I also remember the lady who lived with Miss Chess on Park Street was Ruth Miller. Both very nice ladies. I had Miss Miller in the 5th grade. That class was full of beautiful girls, then again all my classes were like that! Just lucky I guess.
Miles Jaeger (`61)
West Richland, WA
From: Pat Mitchell (`62)
To Nancy "Jane" Blevins Thorpe (`56):
Nancy, are you David's big sister? Where is he? The alumni site doesn't list his city.
Pat Mitchell (`62)
Beaverton, OR
From: Peggy Garner Bezold (`62)
The answer to Mary Jo Cravens Shaefers trivia question is the TUMBLEWEED was the PJHS Yearbook.
Peggy Garner Bezold (`62)
Pasco, WA
From: Dawn Mylerberg Azure (`62)
To Glen Fetter:
Alas, Glen, the mind is the first thing to go -- Evelyn Ruzick was the young and pretty art teacher at the Jr. High. We moved to Park St. in 1949 or so across the street from Miss Chess and partner. I can't remember her name either but will ask my mother and let you know.
Dawn Mylerberg Azure (`62)
Seattle, WA
From: David Bellomy (`75)
I think the "School District #1" means the first one in Pasco. There are other "#1's" in Washington.
To Tammy Robinson Jackson:
Are you the same Tammy Robinson who worked at The Top Hat restaurant for a while? A very interesting place. And to think my father though it would be "a good influence" on me.
Everybody, be well.
David Bellomy (`75)
Grayson, KY