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5 Bulldogs today:
Larry Green (`55)
Linda Hensley Boblet (`58)
Marilyn Cowell Lupinacci (`59)
Irma Kulp Zacher (`60)
Nick Leibold (`63)
From: Larry Green (`55)
To Mary Jo Cravens Schaefers:
I am glad to see you finally gave of yourself about the history of "early" Pasco. I think the art teacher was Mrs. Porter. The music teacher I recall at that time was Mrs. Epps. I think her husband was a Principal in one of the other buildings in the district. The old library is now used as the Franklin County Historical Society building. There is a "new" Longfellow. The one now is basically where the old play/soccer field was when we attended the original Longfellow.
Larry Green (`55)
Goodyear, AZ
From: Linda Hensley Boblet (`58)
To Nancy Blevins Thorpe,
Thanks for the information on Dick Bruce. I'll see if I can find him from your info.
About the old Pasco Library, I remember it well because I worked there for several years while in high school. It is now a museum, or at least that's what a sign on the door says. I have not stopped in to see what they have.
I have only seen a few people on here from 1958. Where is everyone?
Linda Hensley Boblet (`58)
Kennewick, WA
From: Marilyn Cowell Lupinacci (`59)
To Pat Keene Ulrich,
I would love to have Ms. Boothe's address. Can hardly believe she is 80 and I'll bet she is none too pleased about that. She was a mentor and a friend to so many of us. Thanks for passing this along.
Marilyn Cowell Lupinacci (`59)
From: Irma Kulp Zacher (`60)
Just got home from a three day Educator's Open Court Reading Workshop in Shoreline, WA. The phsalumni report was waiting. I always enjoy reading the updates.
Enjoyed Larry Green (`55) and Mary Jo Cravens (`55) Schaefer's reports on "Remember when..." about our area. There were several questions asked in this 7-12-02 update. I am submitting my limited knowledge.
Yes, Mary Jo, there is still a Longfellow. Our latest Longfellow School is a two story on the original land on 10th. Joe Mosebar (class of `59) was principal for several years (now retired). I believe he was the first principal in this new building.
The old Pasco Public Library on 4th Street, is the Franklin County Historical Museum. It is a very educational and interesting place to visit. Russell and Helen Wiseman (Pasco Educators retired) and Jacque Sonderman (Pasco and Kennewick Educator-Retired) are still (or were) active participants at the museum.
[I believe Nita Benson Rettinghouse ('46) is also active in the FCHS. - Paul]
To Tom Brandon (`61):
I thoroughly enjoy your updates concerning our Edgar Brown Memorial Stadium project -- Turf and Building. I'm amazed at the amount of Pasco Nike's orders to help with the progressive Stadium project and community members sending contributions for the Turf Project. Every time I drive by the Stadium I take my eyes off the road, to see current progress (potential accident waiting to happen). What a great community we have!
There have been a number of wonderful memories (from PHS alumni) of Josephine Stormant as a teacher at Longfellow. I wonder if any of her students ever wrote to her and told her what a profound impact she made on their lives. Or have they written to their favorite teachers? I have been teaching in the Tri-Cities for 20 years at the primary level. I often wonder if I have made any significant impact on my students. If so, I always hope it would be good impact.
To Patricia Keane Ulrich (58):
How is Jim and family? Enjoyed your report on Ethel Booth's 80th birthday. Ethel is high energy and fun. We always invite her to our (every five years (`60)) reunions and she often comes, as does Jean Dalthorpe (used to be PHS Secretary for many years). I would like Ethel's address. I didn't realize she had moved. I'll have to send a birthday card. (Better late than never). Email me, please. Thanks.
I thought I saw Tom Sullivan (retired PHS teacher) coming out of the Coffee Break Restaurant on Court Street this past week. He got away before I could verify. He looks great. It mystifies me how I can be aging and our retired PHS teachers don't seem to change much.
To Nancy "Jane' Blevins Thorpe (`56):
Concerning your reunion in Sequim. Janet Rinehart Holter is my cousin. Her Grandma Dradie Simons and my dad were brother and sister. I haven't seen Janet for several years, but keep track of her through her mother Elaine Simons Rinehart Upham. Elaine is Glen Simon's sister. Bob and Joyce (Coppersmith) Steele also gave me an update on the reunion and said they had also had a nice time seeing everyone at the Sequim Reunion.
To Julie Hensley Blaswich (`60):
Hi, Julie! Ana Harris address - [forwarded to Julie - Paul]. She is an R.N.
To Le'Ann McAllister Cherry (`67):
I see David and Sue (Mingus) Boothe occasionally as they live on Road 44, Pasco, not far from our home on Road 36 and Wernett. Yes, Jim Boothe (`59) is Dave's older brother.
To Doyle Clapper (`62): What a nice wife you have in Sharon -- to write your messages for you. Nice to hear from you. Enjoy seeing you at our PHS `60 reunions every five years. Don't let your old teachers know that you didn't learn to write.
Have you noticed the growth on the north hillside between Road 36 and Road 100, north of I-82 interstate? Many new houses and businesses. New McDonald's and Subway, among several others. I think I heard that a grocery store might be in the offing. We used to ride horses for miles in the 50's, all over the sand dunes, then free of buildings.
Irma Kulp Zacher (`60)
Pasco, WA
From: Nick Leibold (`63)
Re: accident during stadium lighting installation,
Reading the message from Jim Boothe (`59) brought back the memory of this unfortunate incident. I actually witnessed the tragedy that day. I don't remember what grade it was but I was attending St. Patrick's and we were practicing out on the St. Pat's play field adjacent to the new stadium when the accident happened.
I didn't know Gloria or the Sandusky family but my thoughts and concerns are always with them.
Nick Leibold (`63)
Seattle, WA