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PHS Bulldogs On-Line Jun 18, 2001
Greetings fellow Pasco Bulldog Alumni!
This message kicks off a new cyber-talk tool for Pasco Bulldog Alumni, family, and friends. What do you remember about growing up in Pasco? What do you remember about Pasco schools, living and working in Pasco (including, of course, the rural community!), and how much have you forgotten?
Would you like to share some memories and have some cobwebs swept away? Want to get in touch with that long-lost classmate you haven't seen for decades! This is the place! Send your entries, with your name, class name (if appropriate), and class year to [see e-mail link in left frame]. They will be compiled and sent to all Bulldog alumni subscribers. Archives will be maintained at https://phsbulldogsonline.tripod.com/. You will also find the Privacy & Editorial Policy there. Please read it before sending in your entries.
Also use the e-mail address above to subscribe and unsubscribe to the e-mailings, which will probably be approximately every week to start. Daily mailings are possible in the future, depending on response. Please include “SUBSCRIBE” OR “UNSUBSCRIBE” in the subject line.
We would like to thank Maren Smyth, RHS '63 & '64 (yes, a Bomber) for her generous assistance and advice, and some of her words, in helping us get this started.
Do you need some stimuli to get your memory juices flowing? How many of these things do you remember? How many others related to Pasco can you add? All it takes is a short paragraph or two!
The Foyer Bulldog (RIP)
Special cars
Graduation party
Community hall dances
Teacher trivia (but no libelous material, we've had a few dandies at ol' PHS!)
Mr. Gregson
Mr. Hart
Mr. Morgan
Mr. Stappler
Sigmans parking lot
McLaughlin (sp?) when it was Pasco High School
Mario's Disco (near 3rd & Lewis)
The "Old Green Bridge”
PHS - KHS rivalry at Homecoming (e.g., collecting wood for the bon fire)
Tastee Freeze
Dog & Suds
Taylor Maid (sp?)
Artic Circle
A&W (the ones I've seen in Spokane don't even have Papa, Mama and Teen Burgers!!!)
Study Hall in the PHS cafeteria
Working in the old railroad ice house
Summer farm jobs (sprinkler hand lines, bucking bales, etc.)
The flume
The bubbles
That should be enough to get you started. There has to be much more that we Pasco Bulldog Alumni can collectively remember and reminisce about!
This initial e-mailing is going to 117 Bulldog Alumni (mostly Class of '63). Please forward to other Bulldogs, family, and friends!
PHS Bulldogs On-Line Editorial Staff
(namely, at this point, Paul Case (67)