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5 Bulldogs, including a 60-year reunion announcement, and 1 Bulldog spouse today:
Walter (Whimpy) Jones (42)
Don Pelham (Bulldog spouse)
Janice Woods Ehrke (60)
Donna Reeves Fulwyler (63)
Scott Labberton (67)
Joe Cherry (67)
From: Walter (Whimpy) Jones (42)
PHS Class of 1942, 60th Reunion - June 28, 29 & 30.
Friday June 28 - 5:30 - POTLUCK DINNER - 5104 Dradie St, Pasco
Members and guests will open the celebration with a casual potluck dinner and visitation at the home of George and LaDona (Daw) Madison in Pasco.
Saturday, June 29 - 5:00 - NO HOST DINNER, Chinese Gardens
Sunday, June 30 - 9:30 AM - NO HOST BRUNCH, Franklin County Historical Museum.
Contact LaDona: (509) 547-5810
Walter (Whimpy) Jones (42)
Pasco, WA
From: Don Pelham (Bulldog spouse)
We got a ton of pictures from The Crockett's house. Among them are some of the "Park Street Gang." There are a few that are "interesting." Some of you may remember that I took a lot of photographs at the last reunion. My hobby is "scrapbooking" and I hope to have some pages made of the 2 eras (or is it periods?).
And don't worry, I won't post them on the web, however here is a list of those that I can identify (please excuse the spelling).
![]() .....and of course Berla.
Don Pelham
spouse of Berla Crockett Pelham (59)
Bothell, WA
From: Janice Woods Ehrke (60)
To Linda Nagley Goulet:
I hope you are taking your computer to France; I'd love to hear about all you're going to see in 4 years! Yes, Mrs. Gustafson, a very kind, patient, lady. Do you remember the big banquet (probably to finish up the semester) my partner and I (can't remember, but I think it was Sharon Wilde, she and I worked together at Betty's Fountain in the Drug Store 4th and Lewis) we had to make some kind of salad as our contribution. We hollowed out an entire head of cabbage, chopped up the center and mixed it with pineapple, whipped cream and mayonnaise and put it back in the head. Unfortunately, we got a little overzealous and one of the forks went clean through the cabbage. Naturally, the dressing began to leak through the hole and all over the platter, so we got "D" for presentation. Richly deserved!
Have a great time at your family reunion!
To Jeannine Conners:
Was so delighted that you called, my Mom, sister, and one of my brothers (Neal) still live in Davis. I love their Farmers Market on Saturday mornings. Would really enjoy seeing you and any others who live in the area. Sorry, I didn't remember your new last name, that's new as in the past 40 or so years ... hope to see you soon.
Janice Woods Ehrke (60)
from windy Woodland, CA
From: Donna Reeves Fulwyler (63)
To Linda Mathisen:
I was so glad to hear from you. Tried to write you an e-mail using the address you gave, but it came back undeliverable. Would you write to me so I can then "reply" to the correct address?
Donna Reeves Fulwyler (63)
Pasco, WA
From: Joe Cherry (67)
Just a short note for Linda Williams. I do remember some events at the Masonic Temple and doing some Ballroom Dancing and taking some lessons as well. Those poor girls with stomped toes. As I remember though I wasn't too bad of a dancer. hahaha I still haven't mastered the waltz, but living in Montana I have learned the Two Step. I also remember Mrs. Chess at Capt. Gray. Seems I had Harvey Hart for 2 of my 3 years there and even afterwards when I thought I'd escaped him had him for a Jr. High teacher as well. He went to our church so I didn't get too much over on him, that's for sure. I'll see you at the reunion, it should be a fun time, and Jim, if your reading this it's about time you made an entry brother. hahaha..
Paul, I remember those cinnamon toothpicks and yup, my mouth was blistered from too much indulgence from time to time. Those in the package didn't compare to the homemade ones either. I got my supplies at the Rexall by the Lucky Dollar Store. Anybody remember Hub's grocery on the corner of Tenth and Sylvester?? That guy was kinda scary when we were young seems to me. I also remember the 5-cent cokes at Wades clothing. Wonder what ever happened to that machine?...
Joe Cherry (67)
Libby, MT
From: Scott Labberton (67)
To Paul Case:
Yes, I remember cinnamon toothpicks (home made) from grade school. You could only get cinnamon oil from the pharmacy. It was like other fads and once someone started, others would pick it up. Soon whole classrooms would be full of the scent of cinnamon. Woe to the person who rubbed their eye after handling a toothpick!
You could also get mercury, and several kids used it to coat dimes and quarters to make them extra shiny. Getting it at the pharmacy was no problem. No one was aware of the hazards!
I remember several kids on our block (Marie Street) running out in the street to hide in the cloud behind the fogging truck when it would come to spray for mosquitoes (before the ban on DDT). That was back in the days when the outdoors was called nature and not the environment and it was us against the elements. If course, none of us kids cared about that. We just wanted to hide in the fog. After a few years the drivers tried to scare us away, but they were overwhelmed by our persistence. Our parents thought it was dangerous, but not because of DDT. They didn't want us in the fog in the street where we might get hit by a car. We still thought it was great fun and because spraying was a summer activity (at dusk) we were mostly outside to hear the truck approach. The truck would already be going past when our parents were alerted to its presence. The idea was to stay as close behind the truck as possible until it was well past your house. If you were in the thick part of the cloud your parents couldn't tell if you were playing behind the truck. This never seemed to work, but it didn't keep us from trying. It seemed that they sprayed all over Pasco during the 50's, but I'm not sure. Does anyone else remember the fogging trucks?
Scott Labberton (67)
Kirkland, WA