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6 Bulldogs, plus updates on the contest and the Nike Air Pasco shoe sale today:
Carol Montgomery Keltch (57)
Linda Nagley Goulet (60)
George (Lee) Lewandowski (64)
Le'Ann McAllister Cherry (67)
Paul Case (67)
Michael Williams (70)
** Contest Update
Quick update - about 8 days left to refer new Bulldog alumni for subscriptions to PHS Alumni On-Line. Contest closes at midnight Pacific Daylight Time. As of today we have 540 subscribers. That's a net increase of about 339 since the contest began on March 29. There are 160 entrants in the pool for the random drawing prize. Dennis Cresswell (58) has a commanding lead in the most referrals category (108 total). Still time, though. Where are folks who are keeping class lists for reunions? We only have 5 classes with more than 30 subscribers, only 2 with more that 50. 1963 is way out in front with 131.
** Update on the Nike Air Pasco shoe sale
Wow! According to John Crawford more than 800 pair have been pre-ordered. Dates for fitting and pick-up, plus a planned BBQ, are July 19 & 20. Other arrangements can be made if you can't be there or if you're from out-of-town. A majority of the sale price will go directly to the field turf project, so I encourage you to consider some new running/walking shoes! For more info or to order visit http://www.pascohigh.com/nike.php.
From: Carol Montgomery Keltch (57)
For Kevin Williams:
The A&W was brand new in the summer of 1956, in its original location east of where it ended up on 5th. I know because I was one of the first car hops there. It was the "in" place to be from the beginning.
To the others that are reminiscing:
I also went to Longfellow (the original) and I watched it burn. Had to go to the new school, Capt Gray and then junior high at the Navy Base. I was in the first class to start at the new high school and go all four years. Longfellow school was between 8th and Ninth Street and Roger lived on 8th. I remember because I lived on Ninth.
So many things to remember but not enough time right now.
Carol Montgomery Keltch (57)
Pasco, WA
From: Linda Nagley Goulet (60)
To Janice Woods:
I remember Mrs. Gustafson every time I open a can because she said to wash the lids before opening because you never know where that can has been. Funny what little things a person remembers.
To Marsha Meyers:
I think we are at least even with Sally on the moves across the country. This summer we are moving to Chalon-sur-saone, France for four years. Say "hi" to Sally. I didn't know she was back in Kennewick this year. We'll be home (Pasco) July 4th weekend for a Nagley family reunion and the St. Patrick's reunion.
Linda Nagley Goulet (60)
Naperville, IL
From: George (Lee) Lewandowski (64)
The PHS alumni website is just wonderful, but one little story is missing. Since you are publishing confessions about smoke bombs and high speed chases, someone should write to Sterling (Buddy) Derrick [write to PHS Alumni On-Line for Bud's e-mail address], class of 63, and invite him to contribute his confession for a little prank that closed the Lewis Street railroad underpass for several minutes, in the middle of a hot, sweaty, summer afternoon in 1962.
Buddy, as many will remember, was the lead guitarist for a local rock band, the Park Lanes. He was also the getaway driver that afternoon, in his super cool, two-door yellow Merc, with loud "glass packs."
Dave "Pecker" Peck ( class of 63) was Mr. Wizard, the mad scientist who had prepared the stink bomb the night before, slowly cooking secret ingredients until they finally congealed into a skillet full of dark brown molten goo.
I think Don Haisch (class of 65 ?) was also involved, but memory cells get unreliable thirty-six years after graduation. I hesitate to finger anyone who could be sent to the "big house" solely on the strength of my faulty recollections.
Anyway, Buddy should turn state's evidence and clear things up for the records. Confession, after all, is good for the soul.
The statute of limitations may have run out on this crime, but I hear that the Pasco Police are still looking for a yellow Merc that roared up out of the smoke filled underpass that afternoon, like a shark gulping for air, then slipping away westbound at high speed, into the sun.
Anonymous snitch,
aka George (Lee) Lewandowski (64)
Mercer Island, WA
From: Paul Case (67)
Strange memories - does anyone else remember cinnamon toothpicks? Not the kind I've seen packaged in envelopes, but the homemade kind soaked in cinnamon oil. I think I remember kids selling them for 10 cents each in grade school or maybe jr. high. Had to be careful not to get burns around your mouth from over-indulging! The question I have is, why was cinnamon oil sold only by the pharmacist? The old Crescent Drug Store on Court and Chase was the local supplier. The stuff came in small vials that were the perfect size for holding several toothpicks that would absorb the oil. Or am I dreaming again?!
Re Stevens Jr High:
Had a lot of fun at that school, especially when it was an exclusive 7th grade only school. I just ran into one of my Stevens teachers and wrestling coach, Mr. Bailey, last week. My neighbor, Bill Till, and Mr. Bailey visit each other regularly.
I seem to recall that on the last day of school that year (or was it our 9th grade year?) that men's athletic supporters were flying from the flag pole and that all the school doors got chained and locked from the outside just before the final bell rang - with everyone still inside.
Paul Case (67)
Pasco, WA
From: Le'Ann McAllister Cherry (67)
Wow, it was great reading all of the last entries, so many memories, so many thoughts gone by ... I too, Linda Williams, had a crush on Tom Crose. If I remember right, he went to our church. (Methodist)? Also a Jobs Daughter. I have one memory of going to camp and getting the heck scared out of us one night! We had about 10 cabins, but we all seemed to end up in one after hearing howling! What a hoot! Were any of you other girls there at that time? Does anyone remember the park behind the Lourdes Hospital, I forget the name. I remember going to day camp there and making many wonderful things for my mommy and daddy. Also, I remember camp in Columbia Park for Girl Scouts. That big old house we used to go to, it is no longer there but I can tell when I drive by, exactly where it was! Drive-In Movies were great, freedom for us all!!! (sometimes the actual movie was good, too) ha ha Alan Taylor … you were a cutie, Linda Williams, a great and true friend, and all the others I went through grade school-high school with, a great part of my life! Keep on writing!
Le'Ann McAllister Cherry (67)
Kennewick, WA
From: Michael Williams (70)
To Linda Williams Shaw (my sister):
Glad to see that you weighed in on the Alumni On-Line, but disappointed that you couldn't come up with anymore juicy background on yourself than what you entered. You conveniently forgot about reminding your mates of getting caught cutting class in high school. Also forgot to tell the story about getting caught stealing Pat Donen's hubcaps (as a way to get his attention). But lest we get into a game of one-ups-manship, I better stop there. I too recall fondly my years at Capt. Grey Elementary. I remember that my mom made sure that my buddy, Dean Michaelson and I were placed in Miss Nagel's class in Gr. 4 because we needed "that firm hand." Gads was she scary. I also had Miss Miller in Gr. 6, but always liked Mr. Milam. And who could forget Miss Chess. She was an icon in that school.
Michael Williams (70)
Shanghai Changning International School
Shanghai, China