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11 Bulldog notes:
Sherry Brickey Pond (58)
Bill Grace (59)
Bill Stough (59)
Janice Pope Ling (59)
Bonnie Beard Cameron (59)
Judie Brewer Egbert (60)
Linda Wellman Mathisen (64)
Mercedes (Deedee) Willox Loiseau (64 RHS)
Marcia Bailie Plows (66)
Scott Labberton (67)
Patti Scharf Noakes (67)
From: Sherry Brickey Pond (58)
To all ... the Hamburger joint on the Eastside was The Hang Out, for a while was called Wilkies when we hung out there. We had a dollar in change between the five of us that ran together … put enough gas in the car to chase a few guys and then off to Wilkies for one drink and 5 straws. Ah!! those were the days. Then A&W, we were lucky enough to know someone that worked there so we would order one regular and 4 babies' drinks as the baby drinks were free and an order of dill pickles cause those were free. Boy we weren't cheap we just didn't have any money. But we had fun. Always commented how we were the last of the big spenders.
Remember Mr. Gregson, did anyone ever hold hands when you saw him coming down the hall? No way. And God forbid if your guy had his arm around you and Mr. Gregson saw you. The look was enough to tell you No No No!!!! Did anyone ever step on the Bulldog in the floor tile by the gym? I don't suppose that is there anymore.
Hi Clyde … glad to see you made it on here.
Well enough from me. Keep the letters coming all of you.
Sherry Brickey Pond (58)
Burbank, WA
From: Bill Stough (59)
FYI everybody … the drive-in in east Pasco was Wilkie's In and Out … great food and a great place to watch/or be in fights, or far better, to neck.
Great mail from everybody, really enjoy it.
Bill Stough (59)
From: Bonnie Beard Cameron (59)
Boy do I remember Home EC at PHS! Even though I have become a really good cook and owned my own restaurant for a couple of years, I still will not make divinity anything to this day!!! For one of the tests in my Senior year, we were partnered with another classmate. We had to choose and make something of our choice. We choose to make a cake with divinity frosting. We failed miserably. The teacher felt sorry for us and allowed us a second chance at home. That weekend, I went through 12 doz eggs, etc etc. I just never got the hang of it. The final frosting was limp, runny and ugly. I got an F but my partner got a C which allowed us to barely pass the test. My sewing skills didn't rate much better. To this day I sew, rip; sew, rip.... I get it done but it takes a while. lol I ended up with a D- for final grade.
Bonnie Beard Cameron (59)
From: Bill Grace (59)
Think that might have been Wilkie's Inn & Out. Lotta memories there. Spent many evenings with Al Anthis, Chuck Davidson, Duane Azure, Frank Crothers and others burning holes in napkins with our cigarettes, trying not to be the one who finally caused the coin to drop into the glass of water it covered.
Bill Grace (59)
Vancouver, WA
From: Janice Pope Ling (59)
To Janice Woods - it was Wilkie's on the Eastside.
Janice Pope Ling (59)
From: Judie Brewer Egbert (60)
Hello to everyone. I'm enjoying reading all the emails with great memories of PHS. Is it just me or do the memories get better with years? Anyhow, I wanted to tell Janice the name of the drive-in that was across the underpass. At least I think it was Wilkies "In-n-Out". What was the name of the place in Kennewick, up in the Angus Village, the drive-in where there were fights in the parking lot on a regular basis? I think that was the place I added whiskey to a milkshake and figured out why you don't do that!
Judie Brewer Egbert (60)
Yuba City, CA
From: Linda Wellman Mathisen (64)
There'll be no more like `64!
I remember graduation day, and can even recall the first line of the poem that our 5 class speakers used: "We were dreamers dreaming greatly". The excitement of that day, the anticipation of great things to come, the fear of what lay ahead come vividly to my mind, and yet I, too, wonder like Theresa "Nell" Fleming VanLear (62) if our children or our grandchildren can find the pleasure in remembering such "innocent" school days.
I confess that one of the funniest things Marsha Nelson (64), Christine Meisinger (65) and I could think to do while we were walking home from a Saturday Matinee at the Liberty Theatre was to stagger down the street and pretend we were drunk - at age 12. We were lucky no one reported us to our parents, concerned that we had in fact been drinking. Now, if I saw a 12-year-old staggering down the street, I'd assume they WERE drunk - or high, and it wouldn't be a shock. It's pretty sad that so many young folks today cannot experience the carefree fun we found in just being kids - and believing all the while that we were terribly "mature."
I'm finding that as the years pass, our class reunions and individual reunions with classmates become more and more precious to me. To see folks I thought of as, yes I'll admit it, DORKS, blossom into truly remarkable adults is exciting, encouraging and just plain wonderful. I'm thankful that so many alumni are plugging in to this website and sharing their thoughts, recollections and news. Keep `em coming! I look forward to reading every one.
And if any of you live around, in or near Hillsboro, OR, please look me up in the Human Resources Department at Washington County. I'd love to "do lunch."
Linda Wellman Mathisen (64)
Scappoose, OR
From: Mercedes (Deedee) Willox Loiseau (64 RHS)
To Jim Coffey:
Are you the Jim Coffey I knew when I was Deedee (Willox) Lane? I lived in Kennewick with my son who was a toddler at the time.
Mercedes (Deedee) Willox Loiseau (64 RHS)
Bomber married to Bulldog Armand Loiseau (53)
Burbank, WA
From: Marcia Bailie Plows (66)
Hi Paul,
Please include me in the list of alumni. Again thanks for keeping this service going. It has become a lot more active in the last 6 months or so.
Good to hear from fellow `66's, Jim Pope and Rick Sandquist. Nice to know there are a few of us out there.
Marcia Bailie Plows (66)
Sisters, OR
From: Patti Scharf Noakes (67)
Class of `67
Reunion Meeting
Thursday, May 23, 2002
7:00 PM
Round Table Pizza
Patti Scharf Noakes (67)
Kennewick, WA
From: Scott Labberton (67)
I have been working on a family project of digitizing all of our family photos. I came across this one and decided other Bulldogs might be interested. I don't recognize all the people, but I did collect some of my classmate's signatures. Here they are sorted by first names to my best ability to decipher the handwriting.
Alan Alexander, Carol Thompson, Clifton Allen, Dave Shorthill, Dave Smith, DeWayne Miller, Diane Massey, Gary Hammerberg, Janice Kay, Jr. Armijo, Judy Towne, Karen Kilbury, Kenny Derrick, Linda Cupp, Mark Wilson, Mike Zeller, Patti Stanhope, Sandy Weyand, Scott Labberton, Steven Hoffstad, Tim O'Leary, Vicki Ray.
I also recognize "Cinni" Ericson, Jason Manuel , Kathy Lux and Karen Sellers, but I'm guessing at the spelling here. That leaves five to identify. I know the guy in the front row between Tim and Dave (his name was Steve) moved before the end of the year. I'm close to having names for the others, but I'll share the fun of trying to stick names to the faces.
Scott Labberton (67)
[I've added Scott's 8th grade picture of some PHS 67 grads to the Special Archives web page. See how many you can name. If you're really interested, you can click on the picture and open a larger picture file that is better for zooming in on or downloading. I'll match names to faces as they are identified. You have a head start with the names above. - Paul]