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7 Bulldogs and a Bomber wrote, one reporting the sad loss of a 1961 alumni; news on the stadium upgrade project; a contest update; and a reminder that most Bulldog alumni are lucky to be living in relative security, compared to some in far away places (Bogota, for example):
Jimmie Shipman (51 RHS)
Pat Allman Mason (58)
Bill Grace (59)
Theresa "Nell" Fleming VanLear (62)
Marcia Myers (63)
Tim Gray (66)
Cliff Brown (67)
Julie Ward Estes (83)
** Contest Update
You folks have been busy! There are now 458 names in the PHS Alumni database, and that number will probably grow before I finish getting this sent out if the rate of new entries for the last few days continues. There is a little over one month to go - entries (i.e., new subscribers) need to be in by midnight on June 16. So far there are more than 75 names in the basket, two of which will win custom CDs of their favorite 50s, 60s, and 70s music, the prizes generously provided by Jeff Jumper (62). So keep those entries coming! I'm really enjoying reading all the great memories. How `bout you? Remember, the more subscribers, the more you'll get to read. - Paul
** Stadium upgrade project news
From: John Crawford, Field Turf Project committee
Please help us again, by pushing the Nike "Air Pasco" Project. It is now active on the site:
It is a fund-raiser for the field turf project. It is also a history setting event.
We are only trying to get approximate sizes at this time. We will be having a shoe-fitting event at the Stadium when they come in so that everyone will get the proper size at the time that they pay the money.
John Crawford
Field Turf Project committee
From: Jimmie Shipman (51 RHS)
I'm a Bomber, Green and Gold, through and through, and I think that your site is great. It's good to see that Grads from other schools can go to a web site for alumni and chat with old friends. I have friends that attended PHS. Great start.
Jimmie Shipman (51 RHS)
Richland, WA
From: Pat Allman Mason (58)
Have really enjoyed reading the letters that have been written. And seeing the names of people that I haven't seen in years.
Pat Allman Mason (58)
Clarkston, WA
From: Bill Grace (59)
Hello all,
I've been reading, with nostalgia, many of your brief but memorable recollections of Pasco High. While not as erudite as most of you, I too have memories of those days of innocence lost. Some good. Some bad. The bad revolved around my inability to grasp the nuances of a subject that as a Catholic (first graduating class from St. Pat's) should have been almost second nature. "Sparky" and Classic Latin proved more than I could absorb. I've often wished I had made a stronger commitment to him and to his subject. The good were "sock hops", skipping class to sunbathe on a small sandbar near Wallula with the occasional "Oly" in hand and friends.
I moved from Pasco in 1964 pursuing my papermaking career to Oregon and then on to British Columbia. In 1971, I transitioned into Human Resources and remained in Canada until 2000 in a number of locations and industries.
My current location is Vancouver, WA. I was born just upriver in Camas so I've come HOME. We plan on attending the St. Pat's reunion over the July long weekend and will be staying at La Quinta, formerly Hawthorn Inn & Suites, in Kennewick if any of you are interested in visiting.
Bill Grace (59)
Vancouver, WA
From: Theresa "Nell" Fleming VanLear (62)
I'm just amazed every time I read the mail from those who have taken the time to write. The memories you all have. You know, I thought I couldn't remember those school years but you all bring them back and so vividly! It's so great to hear all of your stories.
I for one also wish we still had the Taylor Maid. Our family would splurge and have their great burgers, fries and milk shakes. Now, my dad was a hard working bricklayer and for him to eat burgers, well, that's saying something. If I remember, the Taylor Maid was run by the McClouds' right? Correct me if I'm wrong.
You know, I wonder if our kids will have the pleasure we have remembering our "school days"? We didn't have the fear they are faced with in today's world and in the schools. If memory serves me, a bad person in our days was one who smoked, skipped school or something like that.
You gotta say though, wind even with the sand storms are a whole lot better than the tornados they have in other parts of the States. Right?
I won't ramble on but wanted to say how much I enjoy reading everyone thoughts and memories.
Theresa "Nell" Fleming VanLear (62)
Burbank, WA
From: Marcia Myers (63)
It is with great sadness I send on the information that my cousin, Larry Struthers, passed away this week. My sister, Sally Myers Merriman, received the call late last night (5-9-02). Larry was diagnosed with the return of cancer just recently and he went so very quickly, we are very surprised. For whoever is keeping track in his class, PHS `61.
It brings to mind the words that can be found at Maryhill Museum:
The clock of Life is wound but once
And no one has the power
To tell us when the hands will stop
At late or early hour
Now is the only time we own
So live, love, work with a will.
Place no faith in tomorrow for
The clock may then be still.
Mary Trojanek, 1940
Marcia Myers (63)
Vancouver, WA
From: Tim Gray (66)
To Rick Given:
Thanks for the musical stroll back. Everything you say gels with me! I was in the pool once too. Let's not forget KORD's breakthrough with "Sukyaki or Sukiyaki" (sp?), along about your sophomore year?
Tim Gray (66)
Lexington, OR
From: Cliff Brown (67)
It's never boring in Bogota.
>U.S. to move development workers after bomb discovered near offices
>The Associated Press
>May 9, 2002, Thursday, BC cycle
>BYLINE: By KEN GUGGENHEIM, Associated Press Writer
>The discovery of a car bomb near the offices of U.S. development workers in Bogota, Colombia, has sent the State Department scrambling to put up a more secure building for them in the embassy compound.
>The 90-pound bomb was found April 28 in a car parked near the building where the U.S. Agency for International Development had rented office space. The bomb, made of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil, was deactivated and did not go off.
>A spokesman for the U.S. Embassy in Bogota said Thursday it had no evidence that the USAID office was the target. The office building is on the main road to the airport, and its tenants include a power transmission company, the German Embassy and some offices of the daily newspaper El Tiempo.
>The State Department notified House International Relations Committee Chairman Henry Hyde, R-Ill., this week that it planned to spend $3.8 million to relocate the USAID workers.
>"In view of the recent discovery of a car bomb near leased, off-compound USAID facilities, the Department now has determined that USAID Bogota should move immediately from these extremely vulnerable facilities into the secure compound," wrote Grant Green Jr., undersecretary of state for management, in a letter obtained by The Associated Press.
>The money would come from amounts intended to build an annex for the embassy's counternarcotics office. The embassy building is overcrowded and couldn't accommodate the additional USAID workers, the letter said.
>No one claimed responsibility for the bomb. Police have blamed the country's largest guerrilla group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, for a series of bombings in Bogota and throughout the country since peace talks collapsed Feb. 20.
>The group, known as the FARC, is on the State Department's list of terror organizations.
>In a statement, Hyde said the rebels forced the move of the USAID workers.
>"The FARC's growing capability in using sophisticated car bombs as a weapon of urban terror made relocation of the USAID mission inevitable and lends credibility to this committee's concerns about the FARC's growing links with terrorist groups of a global reach," he said.
>The committee's majority Republicans issued a report last month that said the FARC and Irish Republican Army have had links dating at least from 1998, and the IRA appeared to have trained the FARC in car bombings.
Cliff Brown (67)
Bogota, Colombia
From: Julie Ward Estes (83)
We are planning our 20th reunion. I will update you on the particulars next week.
Julie Ward Estes (83)
Pasco, WA