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8 Bulldogs & 1 Bulldog spouse today:
Sue Moffett Rumsey Wasti (??)
Roger Plockelman (59)
Ronald Olsen (59)
Irma Kulp Zacher (60)
Pat Fleming (63)
Mercedes (Deedee) Willox Loiseau (Bulldog spouse)
Gail Bond Cannon (65)
Bob Scribner (70)
Valerie Hayles Moffitt (74)
From: Sue Moffett Rumsey Wasti (??)
OK, I'm hooked! My brother, Jack (63), has been Forwarding these messages to me and it's getting more and more fun to hear news of PHS alum. I, too, have a Gregson story (doesn't everyone?). I treated Mr. Gregson with respectful irreverence calling him "Mr. Gregson SIR" when I met him in the hallway. Turning out for tennis was my only attempt at sports and I was terrible. Sometime after that attempt, Mr. Gregson phoned me at home. He asked if I knew why he was calling and my flip reply was, "You must want me on the tennis team." He quickly replied, "Not a chance, but you did get a good grade on your chemistry test." I mentally thanked him many times through college chemistry.
Other memorable teachers were Mr. Sullivan - geometry and advanced algebra and Mr. Gower - mostly Oklahoma history! Genuine nice guys/gals - Mrs. D, Mr. Wiseman, and Mr. A.
Very quickly, I've been a sales rep. in the home center industry for twenty-some years, have two lovely daughters, no son-in-laws, no grandchildren, one ex-husband and one great husband.
I dropped in on Janet Lentz's parents recently and had a wonderful visit. Janet happened to call while I was there so that made it extra fun. I was grateful to have Janet and her mother, and Ron Olsen's mother come to my mothers funeral in `98. Ron's mom was my 4-H leader and a real inspiration to me as a mom, a homemaker and a community volunteer.
It's great to hear about all of you!
Sue Moffett Rumsey Wasti (??)
Edmonds, WA
From: Roger Plockelman (59)
Greetings Bonnie:
I can usually see Mt. Rainier in all its glory sitting in my living room. What a sight it is.
I remember you picking up paper outside the school. I would be in Mr. Sundell's math class trying to stay awake! That was one of Gregson's more irritating projects and he knew it.
How many of you fellow members of the 59 class remember the day we all decided to walk out of class in protest and gathered in the auditorium. Mr. Gregson came in and told us in "no uncertain terms" that we had 5 minutes to get our butts back to class or else. Boy did we all move fast! Remember? What a Country!!
Hope your retirement days in Sumner are enjoyable.
Roger Plockelman (59)
Puyallup, WA
From: Ronald Olsen (59)
To Margaret Granger Conant:
No I did not live on Yakima Street. We lived way out on Road 100. I played the trumpet and the French horn in the band up until my senior year. I was never real good. The musician in my family was Lawrence who played the violin all through high school and used it for his passport around the world. He is class of `61.
Good to see more of the class of `59 on line.
Ronald Olsen (59)
Moses Lake, WA
From: Irma Kulp Zacher (60)
I know I mentioned before that my family of 5 PHSers each contributed to the "Stadium Turf Project." We were given a nice certificate from the Stadium Committee. We challenge all PHS Alumni to buy in at $7 a plot (or more as we did). Tom Brandon (61) can put you all in touch with the head people or Valerie Hayles Moffitt.
[A link on the PHS Alumni On-Line web site home page will lead you to instructions on how to donate to the Field-Turf upgrade project. - Paul]
To Roger Plockelman:
I haven't heard Court Street referred to as `Upper River Road' in years. Our address (at Rd. 34) used to be Mounted Route 2. Do you suppose the mailmen used to ride horses on their deliveries? Not during my time, tho'. Mr. Schuman, uncle of August (PHS `60) was our mail carrier for a long time. Remember "Lower River Road" was Sylvester Street. Since we were so far out in the country at Rd. 34, (Chuckle!) the Mid-Columbia Book Mobile came by every three weeks and we could check out a big pile of books to last the three weeks. If we went downtown to the Pasco Library we were limited to 4 books. (I think) Yes Roger, my Dad owned and operated Pasco Concrete Products. He made & sold pumice and concrete blocks for home building and also sold 50 pound sacks of cement. That's where I cultivated my tennis muscles … throwing those sacks and blocks into customers trucks, & shoveling pumice from the train car on the rails down my Griggs Dept. Store into my Dad's big work truck. We wore face masks when shoveling the pumice … that stuff is just like Mt. St. Helen's ash. Hard on the lungs. I also beat the tennis balls against the outside walls of the block plant for practice … no tennis ball machines in those "GOOD OLD" days. I even got Bob Edwards (`62) & his sister Connie Coppersmith (`6l) out beating those tennis balls on the wall. Edwards lived across the street from me, where Francisco's West Restaurant is. My home was where the Coffee Break Restaurant is now. Boy, was that the life! Got good work ethics from that job and others … like the Frosty Treat Drive-In (19th). I rode my bike all the way to work. I was 15 when I started work at the drive-in there. Lauderbacks from Walla Walla started that little drive-in to give their 4 teenagers jobs in the summer.
Dad also drove school bus for several years for Pasco, as did my Uncle Alton & Aunt Gwen Kulp, their son Allen must have been about PHS `72, married Bonnie (George). Dad also did some custom bailing for Don Edwards … Bob & Connie's Dad. They would be up all night bailing. Mom taught first grade at Whittier and Robert Frost. She taught 34 years in her whole career and has been retired for 30 years now and at 94 years old still is a very bright person … she still orders me around. You know how those teachers are … always wanting control. Oh, how my husband has to suffer living with this teacher.
My Folks made weekly trips … `WAY OUT' to the Harvey Olson Farm on the corner of Rd. 100 and Argent to get fresh raw milk. (`59 Ron's folks) We had big glass gallon jars that were used and recycled each week in the 50s. Some of the Olson family are still farming there. That's where the corn maze is each year at Halloween.
Hi Helen Bakshas,
Glad you're on line!
Irma Kulp Zacher (60)
Pasco, WA
From: Pat Fleming (63)
Linda Harshbarger-Pasco, hello. I am Pat Fleming from your class and I used to be the scholarship chairman from Allied Arts and issued Patty her scholarship in art. What a small area. I did not know you are Patty's mom. How is motherhood treating her. My wife, Pat (PHS 64) and I loved shopping at CO2. We are sorry they left the business and wish them well. Is Ned still experimenting with aircraft? Say Hi to David and we were all sorry to hear about Bob. See you at our 40th, maybe. Tell Patty and family Hi and wish them well for us.
Pat Fleming (63)
Kennewick, WA
From: Mercedes (Deedee) Willox Loiseau (Bulldog spouse)
To Sheldon Spadafore (65):
Gail Yamauchi is married to Larry Pittman. They live in the Tri-Cities after several years in Spokane. He is disabled and she works in the district 3 office of Wilbur-Ellis Company. The Credit Manager for district 3 is Linda Overlie Utley, also a Bulldog. She and Gail were pretty good friends.
Mercedes (Deedee) Willox Loiseau
Wife of Armand Loiseau (53)
Burbank, WA
From: Gail Bond Cannon (65)
To 1965 PHS Alumni:
I'm surprised I haven't seen a number of "65" Alumni on this web site? Where are all of you? Sheldon, I guess we are the only ones left from the class of 1965, what do you think? I know there are a few of us still living in the Tri-Cities, namely, Doug Arbagast, Tim Huber, Sandy Hull, (woops, a senior moment just hit me) I can't remember any more right now. lol Anyway, would like to see other "65" Alumni visit this site. I remember several people from other classes, Dave Whitmire, I ran around with your sister Doreen in Jr. High for a while. Haven't seen or heard about her in years. Also remember from my husband's class reunions many of the people from the class of 1959. Can't get John (59) on the computer, so from John Cannon, Hi to everyone from the class of "59". We are enjoying this site very much. Keep up the good work.
Gail Bond Cannon (65)
Pasco, WA
[There are only 6 subscribers from the Class of 1965. Tell others in your class about PHS Alumni On-Line. - Paul]
From: Bob Scribner (70)
Great idea having a website to keep in touch … looking forward to updates.
Bob Scribner (70)
Camas, WA
From: Valerie Hayles Moffitt (74)
Paul, I emailed the Bombers in Colfax. [re: 1962 Sinewesah - Paul] My best friend teaches there and if they are willing to leave it with her I will collect it and get to either the high school library where they keep the yearbooks under lock & key or to the Franklin County Museum. I emailed Jeff and asked him what his choice is. Hard to imagine those yearbooks are collectibles! I hope we can encourage others to give them back or will them back so we can build the collections for public reference. The high school leadership class uses them annually to research the Hall of Fame nominees.
Franklin County Historical Society is always seeking members and has the best quarterly newsletter. They can be reached at mailto:fchs@bossig.com. The editor is Mary Jane Carroll Lewis PHS Hall of Fame inductee from last year (Class of 1954 unless I am mistaken).
We should take up a collection and do some sort of ad to promote your site!!! How long have you been up and running anyway? Worldwide readership!
Valerie Hayles Moffitt (74)
Pasco, WA
[The first newsletter went out June 18, 2001 to 117 PHS alumni. This issue is going to 410 alumni & spouses. - Paul]