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6 Bulldogs and another editorial note on viruses today:
Juanita (Nita) Benson (`46)
Larry Green (`55)
Pat Allman (`58)
Jim Coffey (`62)
Sheldon Spadafore (`65)
Andy Johnson (`69)
** Computer Virus Alert
Three days after changing the alumni e-mail address I started getting “failed delivery” messages again. Someone who had changed the e-mail address in their computer's address book has a virus that is using the alumni address as a “spoofed” sender address. If you haven't already done so, PLEASE check your computer for the W32/Klez.H@mm virus. Web sites such as Symantec (Norton Anti-Virus) provide a tool that allows you to check your machine on-line for no cost. Or check out the AV software provider that Sheldon Spadafore mentions in his message below. - Paul
From: Juanita (Nita) Benson Rettinghouse (`46)
To Midge Benson Lewis (`48):
Hey Songbird -- don't know how many other responses you'll get, but I thought I'd take this opportunity to say "Hi!" Keep on "Sing'in", sissy. Those were the best of days!
Lovingly, your one & only Sis,
Juanita (Nita) Benson Rettinghouse (`46)
Pasco, WA
From: Larry Green (`55)
Paul -
Thanks for all the work you do to keep this site "alive." Having had to have our computer re-done, I certainly agree with you about viruses and needing to use some type of AV.
Larry Green (`55)
Goodyear, AZ
From: Pat Allman Mason (`58)
I am wondering if we are going to have a 45-year class reunion this sometime this summer. I have been checking regularly to see if one is being planned. I guess I am just anxious to get together with members of the Class of 1958 to see what is going on with everyone. Will be watching for a notice.
Pat Allman Mason (`58)
Clarkston, WA
From: Jim Coffey (`62)
I understand there was a notice that went out on this list serve asking if anyone knew the current e-mail address for yours truly. My new (7+ months ago) e-mail address is [contact PHS Alumni On-Line if you'd like to contact Jim]. I switched Internet providers a month or two after our PHS 40th class reunion in August of 2002. I notified the individuals in my address book but not some list servers.
Three grandchildren to date, all grandsons!
Best regards,
Jim Coffey (`62)
Nampa, ID
From: Sheldon Spadafore (`65)
A good anti-virus program is "AVG 6.0 Antivirus system" and it is free to the home user. You get monthly updates free too.
Sheldon Spadafore (`65)
Booragul, New South Wales, Australia
From: Andy Johnson (`69)
Greetings and Salutations to all PHS grads. Always nice to read about the flashbacks to the past. Life was so much simpler in a time, long long ago. The information highway has certainly enabled many of us to share in so many different ways.
Growing up close to Memorial Park enabled me to enjoy as a youth my passion for the water via the memorial pool as well as the baseball programs offered through the city at the ballfield. I have fond memories of my excursions to the former Tastee-Freeze on Sylvester and 14th after my swimming socials at the pool for Zombies and French Fries. Seems another pleasure of the park that I enjoyed were the girls that came to swim or watch the boys play ball.
Greetings to my Aunt Midge Lewis (48)! Hang in there -- the word is getting out about the PHS website.
Salute to my blast from the past, Linda Williams (67) .........:) enjoyed reading your commentary. Always had a crush on you in those school years. My wife has a sister living in Phoenix. Haven't been back down there since I ran off with the circus over a decade ago. I hear the area has just gotten bigger and bigger. The Tri-Cities is seeing and feeling the explosion of growth once again.
GOD I Love it here…
Thanks Paul for your time and energy expended on making this a functioning and fun website.
Andy Johnson (`69)
Pasco, WA
That's all for today