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3 Bulldog notes today:
Joe Cherry (67)
Cliff Brown (67)
Le'Ann McAllister Cherry (67)
From: Cliff Brown (67)
To Essie Pudwell:
Hi Essie. Remember your role as instigator of the senior sneak in 1967? Some guy with whom you were co-host in a senior skit had a role also, but I deny it. Last I heard you were somewhere in Texas. True?
Cliff Brown (67)
Bogota, Colombia
From: Joe Cherry (67)
I only have a few brain cells left but I think my first male teacher was Mr. McGee at Captain Grey for 4th grade then Harvey Hart for 5th and 6th. We moved to Margaret St. during my 3rd Grade year at Longfellow, but I do remember Essie Pudwell . . . hey Essie . . . anyway can't wait to see some of those old photos. I also remember having a crush on a girl in 2nd grade named Karen Carl I think she was the first girl I ever kissed. Anybody know out there what ever happened to Lori Smalley? She lived right behind Holly Huber who seems to be another missing alumni. Where ya at Holly?? Anybody remember the excellent parties at Kathy Cooper's during the Captain Grey era?
Joe Cherry (67)
Libby, MT
From: Le'Ann McAllister Cherry (67)
To Ginger Mitchell Wedin:
Hi Ginger, yes, the staircase was very narrow and circular. And upstairs mirrors to see ourselves in. I had a recital in Richland one time with a lot of other girls, we planned for a year, my aunt made my costume (fairy tales). I was Mary Mary, quite contrary . . . What a hoot . . . my grandchildren would laugh themselves silly if they ever saw that get-up. What memories. Did she have your class speak French also??? She was a great influence on me later in life. I liked her spunk.
To Essie Pudwill Williamson:
Essie!!! So good to hear your Internet voice!!! You were so much fun and very nice. Isn't this a great site to recall and share all those wonderful memories. Hope life has been good to you and hope you are at the reunion in August. Wow, so many memories, so many people . . . we are truly blessed...
Le'Ann McAllister Cherry (67)
Kennewick, WA