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7 Bulldog notes today:
Janet Janes Wolf (58)
Jean McCulloch Warmuth (58)
Sharon Merrill Collins (59)
Ronald Schultz (60)
Marcia Bailie Plows (66)
Le'Ann McAllister Cherry (67)
Lance Otey (80)
From: Janet Janes Wolf (58)
This is a great idea. Thanks for your time and effort in making this available. I graduated from PHS in 1958 and my brother (Clyde Janes) graduated in `57. I have many fond memories of friends from both classes, as well as several years before and after. I lived in Pasco until 1995, and all four of my daughters graduated from PHS also. I've enjoyed reading the stories and memories that have been shared. It always brings a smile when I think of riding around town in Val Eby's car with about 13 other girls. We were always pooling our funds and hoping we'd have enough for gas to get through the evening.
Janet Janes Wolf (58)
Nine Mile Falls, WA
From: Jean McCulloch Warmuth (58)
Thanks for including me on the subscription list. I really enjoy reading and revisiting high school memories. I will write something later.
Jean McCulloch Warmuth (58)
Bothell, WA
From: Sharon Merrill Collins (59)
I began school in Pasco as a sophomore and remember having to give up my French class as a junior so I could take good old "Washington History" to graduate. I have often wondered what I would have received the most good from . . . LOL.
I have often thought about Mrs. D. [Mrs. Davidson, I presume - Paul] through the years. She was always kind.
Being from the farming area I had a long ride each day on the bus until I could drive to school . . . that is not a pleasant memory. First one on and the last one off as my dad drove the bus . . . ooooh!
Other memories from high school was the fun of participating in the senior play and talent assemblies. Do they still hold them? It was also fun accompanying John Williams when he sang . . . Do you remember his "When the Swallows Come Back to Capistrano?" I hope to make contact with John sometime.
My husband and I have been in the fishing resort business for many years in the NE Washington state. Any of you who remember me might enjoy visiting our website at http://www.blackbeachresort.com/. I am the grandma holding our granddaughter in our family picture taken last Christmas. I invite my old friends from my three short years at Pasco High to write and say hello. Because of our business I have never been able to attend a reunion, so it would be great to hear from any of you.
Janice, you know JoAnne and Lamar so well. Something of interest is that my husband, Al, is a brother of Lamar's step mother. Al graduated from Kennewick, but I did not meet him until we were both in our 20's.
Bye for now,
Sharon Merrill Collins (59)
Republic, WA
From: Ronald Schultz (60)
What a great idea! Thanks for putting it together.
Ronald Schultz (60)
Pasco, WA
From: Marcia Bailie Plows (66)
Thank you to Charles Olsen for the horse memory. I was in his class I think . . . Mr Carlson sixth grade. Loved that teacher. I remember him having us listen to the World Series in September in class. (Try that today. For sure the teacher would be fired or at least called on the carpet.) I don't remember if we listened to all of them or just parts. But it did spark my interest and understanding for sports from that day forward. He also started a Chess club during lunch or recess. I still regret not learning then and I still don't know the game. Mr. Carlson was a horseman and I remember Janet Nagley and I were volunteering at a trail ride towards the end to the year and he rode by on his horse. What a surprise! I don't remember ever seeing many teachers out of the classroom setting. The fact that he was a real person was a novel thought.
Kay Foley and I always had a fantasy of riding horses to school, but after she went on to junior high and Charles was sent home it didn't seem as doable. Thanks Charles for taking the heat.
Speaking of teachers...Do you remember the teachers' room? I used to have to deliver messages to them while helping in the office. I had to knock on the door. The door would then open up and all the smoke in the world would come out of that room. It looked really dark in there... and seemed to be a very mysterious place.
Things are beautiful in downtown Sisters, Or.
Marcia Bailie Plows (66)
Sisters, OR
From: Le'Ann McAllister Cherry (67)
This site is a hoot!!! Makes my day to come home to old friends. Hi Mike Williams, my dad and yours worked together at wonder bread. Hi Jim and Joe who also have my new last name - Cherry (no relation)!
I also rode my horse out on Road 44 and Livingston by the haunted house, but I can say for sure I didn't happen to ride it to school!!!
Welcome all of you new members. I remember when this site was just a thought in Paul's head. Thank you Paul for all your work!!!
I remember Mr. Chapman at Captain Gray - he was my first male teacher and I was in love with him!!! I took ballet lessons across the street from the high school at Mrs. Voorhies (spelled wrong) house. She was a wonderful eccentric woman who wished for all girls to be ladies and very proper. I also took dancing at St. Pats in the basement. My cousin Stephen Eads and I were told to do that by our parents. I don't remember being too upset by it. I guess I was bored or something. Love the memories, everyone keep in touch.
Le'Ann McAllister Cherry (67)
Kennewick, WA
From: Lance Otey (80)
Just a suggestion, but maybe some info on past and present teachers. How they are doing, what they are doing, maybe an email address or web site, and if they are still alive. I know many students have been greatly influenced by a teacher or administrator of PHS. Maybe they did not realize the effect of that teacher/administrator had on them until years after they left. Or just curious about how they are doing.
Lance Otey (80)