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8 Bulldog notes and one announcement today:
Irwin Klundt (54)
Betty Elkins Morris (57)
Valerie Eby West (58)
Cherie Elvrum Henderson (59)
Gail Bond Cannon (65)
Charles Olsen (66)
Le'Ann McAllister Cherry (67)
Michael Williams (70)
from the Tri-City Herald of 4/3/02:
Pasco students, alumni wanted for contest
Present and past Pasco School District students are invited to write about their favorite Pasco teacher for the 16th annual Greater Pasco Chamber of Commerce essay contest.
Each essay must be 350 words or less and typed, printed, or neatly written. The topic is "How a Pasco teacher influenced my life." With the entry, the writer must include name, age, address, phone number, and school attending (if applicable).
Entries must be postmarked by Apri1 24 and sent to the Pasco Chamber Office, 1600 N. 20th Ave., or P.O. Box 550, Pasco, WA 99302.
They also can be e-mailed to pchamber@bossig.com. Winners will receive either a $50 or $100 U.S. savings bond. For more information, call [509] 547-9755.
From: Irwin Klundt (54)
Thanks for including me on the subscription list. I don't know you as I had left the Tri-Cities right after graduation and only came back for a short stay after getting out of the Army. I was in the first class to graduate from the new high school (Class of `54).
My current address (until Jan 2003) is in Loveland, CO. I am President of Boulder Scientific Company in Mead, CO. After Jan I will be back in my log cabin in the four corners area of Colorado (near Durango) where I will be semi-retired and adjunct professor of chemistry at Fort Lewis College in Bayfield, CO.
I look forward to receiving the newsletter and as I find time to think about Pasco and how long the Klundt family has been part of it I will try to share some of it with you and the subscribers.
Thanks for putting me on the list.
Irwin Klundt (54)
Loveland, CO
From: Betty Elkins Morris (57)
I would like to see how many people we can get to sign up. It's a fun way to keep in touch.
Betty Elkins Morris (57)
Ritzville, WA
From: Valerie Eby West (58)
What a great idea! Thanks to Dennis and everyone else involved. I'm stilling living in Los Angeles (Sherman Oaks to be exact), teaching screenwriting at UCLA, plus a course at the Learning Annex called "Be the Hero in the Movie of Your Life." I always look forward to reunions and seeing old friends. And now we can keep in touch on-line. Fabulous.
Valerie Eby West (58)
Sherman Oaks, CA
From: Cherie Elvrum Henderson (59)
Hi there ... any news from the "Class of `59????
This is great! Since Janice (Pope) Ling and I have kinda taken our reunions over ... I'll spread the word to our classmates from `59.
Cherie Elvrum Henderson (59)
From: Gail Bond Cannon (65)
I'm a 1965 PHS graduate and my husband graduated in 1959 from PHS. Our daughters also graduated from PHS, one in 1987, and the youngest in 1990. I'm sure we will enjoy this site and renewed friendships from lost classmates. Looking forward to the newsletters and comments.
Gail Bond Cannon (65)
Pasco, WA
From: Charles Olsen (66)
To Paul Case:
The house belonged to Mrs. Livingston and she lived there, she must have been in her 80's. She may have been somewhat eccentric, but I think all the teenagers just went there to torment her. Most probably did not even know someone lived there. I felt kind of sorry for her when I read an article in the Tri-City Herald several years later. It was kind of spooky with all the Black locust trees coming up from seed all around. I rode my horse by there a few times.
That may have been the day Mr. Epps(?) sent me home because I rode my horse to school. By 1960 they did not appreciate horses on the school grounds. It never occurred to me that he wouldn't be acceptable. I had been riding him to Church (Riverview Methodist Church) there on Sundays. So on the last day of 6th grade I rode him to Mark Twain and tied him at the loading dock like I did on Sundays and
Mr. Conner said that would not do. Put him out at the back of the Playground. Then the Principal called me down to the office and told me to take my horse home! Mr. Carlson said later that I could have left him at his house. But by this time I had already ridden home and my mother brought me to school. I really did not want to go to the office that day!
Charles Olsen (66)
Newnan, GA
From: Le'Ann McAllister Cherry (67)
Yes, Paul, I remember the haunted house because I lived across the street. It was Mr. and Mrs. Livingston's home. He died and she was left there alone. Road 42 and Livingston. She was afraid of us kids almost as much as we were afraid of her. I think she was just unable to care for the property and let it get real run-down. They were very prominent figures in Pasco years ago. About ten years ago I was out there and the chimney was all that was left. A very popular place at Halloween!!!
Le'Ann McAllister Cherry (67)
Kennewick, WA
From: Michael Williams (70)
To Tedd deLong:
I went to Capt. Gray also, and I remember the ball game you described. Also remember Miss Chess. Remembered her to be overall a nice lady, but how about Miss Miller, or Miss Springer. Do you remember them? How about Tillman? Nagel? Olsen? All folks that have a piece of my backside for inappropriate behavior. Being a school principal now, I can relate to what a behavior problem I must have been back then.
To Joe Cherry:
You must be twin to Jim, and where is your cuz or bro Richard these days? My family knew John and Mabel well, because John and my dad worked together as bread drivers. I was close with David after his accident and when he lived in Tacoma.
Michael Williams (70)
Shanghai, China