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9 Bulldogs today:
Jean Bishop Ryckman (`62)
Larry Thomas (`64)
Jan Cruzen Francis (`64)
Karyn Turya Rehfeld (`67)
Sheri Knight McKinstry (`67)
Linda Williams Shaw (`67)
Dan Birks (`67WB)
Valerie Hayles Moffitt (`74)
Tovia Robinson (`78)
From: Jean Bishop Ryckman (`62)
Terry Phillips,
Can't believe you missed "La Bamba" on your list of cars. Your sister, Chris, spent her share of hours dragging the gut in my `46 Ford. The great thing about that car was that we could pile 9 - count `em 9! - of us in for Buck Nite at the Riverview Drive In. The bad thing about the car was that it had vacuum windshield wipers that didn't always work right. So the person riding shotgun had to turn the wiper knob back and forth to keep them moving when it rained. Good thing we lived in the desert.
Jean Bishop Ryckman (`62)
Pasco, WA
From: Jan Cruzen Francis (`64)
Ginger [Mitchell Wedin],
I played on that team as well. We placed 1st -- in that tournament. We were no where near the quality of today's teams. 3 dribble basketball was a little boring. Very few skills were taught. I do remember getting beat bad by a team. I think it was Dayton or Waitsburg. They would give today's teams somewhat of a challenge. They could shoot.
Jan Cruzen Francis (`64)
Pasco, WA
From: Larry Thomas (`64)
Hi Terry [Phillips] - I agree with you - Mr. Moffet was one of the best teachers at PHS - and the cars of those days were tops! I do have a 1956 Ford that is about 80% restored. Every time I drive it, I think of PHS and the "days!"
Hi Ginger [Mitchell Wedin] too!
Larry Thomas (`64)
Bellingham, WA
From: Sheri Knight McKinstry (`67)
Hi all,
I have been reading everyone's wonderful e-mails since Paul was nice enough to put me on. What a guy! He was one of my first boyfriends in the fifth or sixth grade. Sorry, Paul getting old and can't remember as well as I used to. I have some great memories of high school. I was a car hop at A&W. Boy do I have some good dirt on some of you!! Okay, Le'Ann, are you happy now? Keep writing. I'm really enjoying it.
Sheri Knight McKinstry (`67)
Pasco, WA
That's right, ladies - I married the stud muffin of 65!!!
From: Karyn Turya Rehfeld (`67)
To Le'Ann [McAllister Cherry]:
I appreciate the Letters to the Editor you have written to the Tri-Cycle Herald. I agree with your stance on educating our kids. Keep in touch and keep up the good words!
Karyn Turya Rehfeld (`67)
Pasco, WA
From: Linda Williams Shaw (`67)
I agree with you, Le'Ann McAllister Cherry; Long for the good ole days when all our parents had to worry about was if we would miss the porcelain throne or get pregnant. Now, parents have to worry about deadly drugs, gun fire, and deadly diseases. I'd gladly give up our technology for more safety and comfort. Prayers to all who have loved ones in the gulf. Many of you were involved in that other not forgotten war of the 60's and 70's. Let's remember to support our military whether or not we can support the politics. Maybe some funny military stories would be appropriate at this time -- like luggage sent to North Pole instead of South Seas, parkas in Hawaii, etc. Laughter always lightens the load.
Linda Williams Shaw (`67)
Phoenix, AZ
From: Dan Birks (`67WB)
During the Summer months didn't it seem like we had a lot of free time on our hands? Sure, we did our summer jobs, but we always had time to cruise around town. Well, let me get to the point. One of those hot summer nights in `65 or `66 we were cruising, looking for something to do. Creativity overtook us when we spotted a For Sale sign in someone's front yard. On borrowing that sign we began a collection of about 30 others. The back seat and trunk of our car was completely full to capacity. Well, we knew we couldn't take these signs home, too many questions would arise. We began looking for a place to unload them when the front entrance to PHS came into sight. Putting 2 and 2 together the signs were successfully unloaded and planted in the front lawn for all to see. The next day's paper front page showed a picture of our deed and the caption: "Pranksters put High School up for Sale".
No, this is not the reason we left Pasco.
Dan Birks (`67WB)
Everett, WA
From: Valerie Hayles Moffitt (`74)
1973 Bulldogs:
Your class is planning your 30th reunion for this summer. Contact Vince Guajardo or Spence Jilek for more info. Pass the word and have a great time!
Class of 1974:
It's time to gather addresses for our 30th reunion in the summer of 2004. Please go to the MSN group web site and find Pasco High Class of `74 and sign up (no cost) with your name that we will recognize from high school or contact me.
Thanks Paul for keeping loyal to this site and Pasco!
May all who know and love someone serving overseas find comfort and peace in knowing they are remembered by us all each day.
Valerie Hayles Moffitt (`74)
Pasco, WA
From: Tovia Robinson (`78)
Wasn't there a girls' team in the late 70's that went all the way to state as 1st seed only to lose the championship game with 3 of the starters fouling out? I was on that team, and it was one of the most exciting times of my life! We were champions -- I just never seem to ever hear any reference to that great year, actually it was the greatest one to this date. So, just to bark a little, just remember that team of 1978 with the "twin terrors" at the helm and look it up and recognize when it all started to blow up!
Tovia Robinson (`78)
Kent, WA