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5 Bulldog notes & PHS Hall of Fame news today:
Rick Cramer (64)
Sheldon Spadafore (65)
Charles Olsen (66)
Joe Cherry (67)
Patti Scharf Noakes (67)
New PHS Hall of Fame inductees:
Dr. Steven Rose (68)
Jeri Thompson (66)
Maj. Joy L. Ebberson Curriera (86)
Dr. Spencer Jilek (71)
Marcia Lentz Crigler (61)
Judge John G. Carroll (41)
You can read the Tri-City Herald article on the web at
From: Rick Cramer (64)
As I recall, mumblypeg was the art of balancing ones knife by the point on a limb is finger, knee, nose or whatever and flipping it and make it stick in the ground. Chicken, on the other hand, was one person throwing a knife to stick between ones feet in an ever narrowing spread and stretch was two people sticking the knife on the outside of the feet widening the stretch until one or the other lost their balance. According to my teenage grandkids that's just sick, so apparently they don't play these sorts of games. In fact my memories of Pasco are of outdoor activities - sports, games and a lot of craziness. In these days you seldom see kids outdoors.
Oh, I mentioned marbles to my grandson he did not know what I was talking about, but the granddaughter plays hopscotch so not all is lost.
I also spent a summer selling Spudnuts door to door and was even salesman of the week once and received a $2 bill as a reward - still carry it in my wallet.
Rick Cramer (64)
From: Sheldon Spadafore (65)
Ok - so many people have asked me what I have been doing since High School so here is the rundown.
Well - I went to CBC for about a year and a quarter working that summer in the Pasco railroad icehouse as the "Daily Room" operator then on to medical X-Ray technician training in Yakima. I had to leave that course after a year because of $$$$$ (what else). My dad had died in 1965 just after my graduation so that left Mom to try to support herself, two younger kids and Nev and myself, so I had to try to put myself through school without much help from the family.
I went on to work in various jobs in Seattle and Tacoma before getting on with the Department of Social and Health Services as a Welfare Eligibility Examiner grade III - first in Tacoma and then transferring to Pasco to take my Mom's position of lead worker when she retired. I was there for about three years when I went to Australia on vacation to visit my long-time pen pal whom I had been writing to for some 12 years. Of course - my pen pal was Robyn Wilson (now Spadafore). It took me about 10 days before I proposed. She told me to go back to the States and think about it and ask again. If I really wanted to marry her after thinking more about it - then she would marry me. She didn't want it to be a summer infatuation thing. Well - I guess it wasn't because we have been married for 27 years now.
As most of my family had already moved to California, I moved down in April of 1977 after coming back from holidays. I got a job in a professional photo supply shop and did some freelance photography on the side as well as doing my own custom color and black & while printing at home. In the September of 1977, about 5 months after returning from Australia, I returned again to Australia where Robyn and I were married in a little old country church which had been the home mission Robyn had belonged to since a child. We returned to the States directly after the wedding. I worked for a while with a professional film production company and then freelanced for a year before we decided to move permanently to Australia.
After returning to live in Australia for good - I got a job as production manager with a film processing company opening a new plant in the Newcastle, New South Wales region. I worked for a number of other labs in the area as well as production manager. When the bottom dropped out of the film processing business I did some retraining and got the "Associate Diploma of Business-Microcomputer Systems" which I completed in 1994. I worked for some time with the local city council in their Information Technology department as a computer service officer and Novell Network administrator. I was laid off after 18 months, as this was only a temporary job, and have only had occasional work since then. Four years ago I was put on a disability pension by the Australian government because of arthritis in my spine and have been, for all intents and purposes, retired since then. In December of 1999 I took on Australian citizenship (whilst retaining my U.S. citizenship).
Robyn and I are looking forward to moving into a retirement village in Toronto, New South Wales (about 3-5 miles south of where we live now) as soon as a unit becomes available (which we hope is sooner rather than later). My health is so-so (but so much better than it was a year ago when I nearly bought it). I had a very bad weight problem which was exacerbated by a great deal of water on the lungs. I went into hospital for two weeks and lost over 30kg (60 lbs) and have been able to keep it off.
Well, that just about brings you up-to-date.
Boring huh?
Well - that's it up-to-date as of 23 March 2002. Would be glad to hear from anyone over there.
Regards -
Sheldon Spadafore (65)
Booragul, New South Wales, Australia
From: Charles Olsen (66)
I remember walking around and watching the girls play hop scotch and jump rope. If there weren't very many of them I sometimes got to play. Often they would get me to turn the rope but most of the time I found some sunny spot and read a book. No wonder I can't see anything with out these lenses!
I remember in 6th grade they decided to integrate Mark Twain and we had a James Butcher and a Ruth in our class. I spent some recesses with them, also social outcasts. In fourth grade some of the kids from the blocks were moved to Whittier and when they came back they had tales to tell about my Great Aunt Josephine Storment. She liked to use a ruler for discipline. Arlen Albin said it hurt when she whacked you on the hand.
Nancy (Tingley) grew up just down the street from Josephine and learned about rock collecting from her. She says that Miss Springer got down on her for playing baseball but ignored the other girls playing with the boys.
I remember Bruce Mullins saying that his initials were MM and that he wasn't going to tell anyone what a terrible name that M stood for!! Is he still singing Country Western? I can remember him chanting that auctioneer song. I even went to a few auctions that he auctioned at - he could really sing out a spiel!
It's cold in Georgia this morning. I got the fire going again and I am going to crawl back under the covers.
Charles Olsen (66)
Newnan, GA
From: Patti Scharf Noakes (67)
Next Pasco High Class of `67 Reunion Meeting
Thursday April 18, 2002 7 PM
(We will be skipping the Spring Break meeting date.)
Round Table Pizza - Pasco
Patti Scharf Noakes (67)
Kennewick, WA
From: Joe Cherry (67)
To Scott Labberton:
Hey, Remember the old dike in Kennewick? It lead to the marina and it was a blast going up and over at 60? I was just wondering what you told your dad happened after a bunch of us "Flew" the dike in his 59 Chevy Wagon after Boy Scouts. hahaha. I also remember some of the escapades we used to do at Scout Camp. I'm sure there's a few stories there. There has to be a few ex-Boy Scouts out there. My 9-year old son won the local Pinewood Derby here in Libby and took 2nd place at District this past week so I'm a pretty proud father. Any other Scout Dads out there??
Joe Cherry (67)
Libby, Montana