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5 Bulldog notes today and the link to the stadium upgrade project:
Karon Mc Culloch (62)
Rick Sandquist (66)
Paul Case (67)
Alan Taylor (67)
Michael Williams (70)
From: Karon Mc Culloch (62)
How many of you, from the fantastic Class of 62, remember the tavern at the Y? Cleve, Clinton, Shane and Rod Griffin's parents owned it. It was one of 7 places I spent my 21st Birthday at with my parents and Cleve. I had been going into most of them with my Dad since I was 18 and a few people were really upset to find out I had just turned 21. We started out with dinner at the Top Hat, and drinks at Engs. Daddy and I used to play shuffleboard at the Palm, I'd go dancing at the Oasis, and at the Y before I moved to Seattle in `65, which is the year my sister Carol and brother Bob, and cousin Rick Ballentine all graduated from PHS. Cleve and I used to also go to a tavern, (the Cloverleaf?) out towards the airport - they had chicken that was pretty darned good.
We also used to play shuffleboard in a tavern down in Umatilla on Sunday afternoons. Last time I drove through there the building was long gone.
Karon Mc Culloch (62)
Federal Way, WA
From: Rick Sandquist (66)
Does anyone remember a Pasco band called the Pastel's? I think they played at Mario's (the club located in a basement near the old post office in Pasco) in 1965 or so. I can't remember who was in the band but they were "hot" at the time and released a 45 RPM record which was sold at the music store located on Lewis Street.
Speaking of music - remember the bands at the Richland Roller Rink? Marilee Rush and the Turnabouts and the "big" bands that would come through town? Seems like the music was better in those days.
Rick Sandquist (66)
Swedesboro, NJ
From: Paul Case (67)
Re: Field Turf for the stadium project:
The link for info on upgrading to Field Turf for the stadium project is:
The information is on the web and they are now soliciting contributions. Take a look - thanks to John Crawford for providing the link. Now it's our turn to help.
Paul Case (67)
Pasco, WA
From: Alan Taylor (67)
It is surprising to see the number of times the Spudnut shop has been mentioned. Living in quite a few different places, I have found that spudnuts must have been a local thing. Nobody ever heard of them elsewhere. I too, had my first job at the spudnut shop . . started on my 12th birthday in the summer of 62, the wire basket with a canvas strap around my neck. I remember we made 5 cents per box sold. More than once, I returned to the shop with an empty basket and spent all my money on spudnuts. The shop did OK with employees like that! The shop was right next door to where we would ride the dryers for a dime. The time the dryer caught on fire was my last ride . . .
Across the street from the spudnut shop & laundromat was Reimuth's gas station, where many of the early drum corps trips gathered to board the bus. It is hard to believe the drum corps traveled all the way to Las Vegas in our funky old school bus, painted white with crossed eyes painted in red above the windshield . . October of '62 . . the same month of the Cuban missile crisis. We were so naive & innocent then . . .
To Jeff Jumper: Thanks for the comment about keeping me in the drum corps ranks . . due to my sister. I'm sure you made her day, reading that. She is still in Pasco and married to Homer Boothe (61) who played tenor drum in the drum corps. I saw Charlie Thompson (65) 2 summers ago in Seattle, where he is the director of a senior drum corps called Northwest Venture. (They have a website) He didn't recognize me, but 20 minutes later they had found me a soprano bugle and a serape. Off we went down the street in a parade . . what a trip down memory lane.
I looked at your website for the class of '62 . . kudos!
Alan Taylor (67)
Hood River, OR
From: Michael Williams (70)
Tim Gray mentioned Dave Cherry's passing. I knew Dave quite well, as my family and his were close. Our Dads worked together at Wonder Bread as driver salesmen. I was closer in age to Dave's younger brother Richard.
After Dave's accident and being paralyzed, he moved to Tacoma, and we use to see him a lot. We actually had some very fun times together, and got a bit crazy. I dumped him in a heap out of his wheel chair more than once, resulting in a great laugh. I lost track of him after I left Tacoma, and he moved to the east side again. My thoughts are with his family.
The talk about necking in various locations around the area, reminded me that my favorite place was Rd. 52. It's probably city now, but we sure steamed up some windows back then. The lights across the river, made for just the right mood, eh?
Thanks to Paul for keeping the site going. I'm enjoying it, but all of the entries seem to be from people well before my time. Where is the rest of the class of `70?
Michael Williams (70)
Shanghai, China
[Only 2 subscribers from the Class of 1970 - I was going to say that you need to tell more of your classmates about this, but I don't suppose there are many in China. - Paul]