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4 Bulldog alumni notes today:
Dave Whitmire (62)
Jeff Jumper (62)
Sheldon Spadafore (65)
Le'Ann McAllister Cherry (67)
From: Dave Whitmire (62)
Thanks to Felix Vargas for more memories of old places. How many of you took your first date to Wilkies' to get a coke? Remember Gene and Jule's Eastside and Westside Markets? They were the sponsors of the annual trophy for our Homecoming. How many of you old-timers remember the trophy they delivered our senior year in '62 for the Homecoming assembly? The one they probably put together made out of orange crate boxes. It was the same trophy that Bob Stromer ran out on the field with at the end of the game, and with all of his 6' 5" stature proceeded to smash over the helmet of Odie Mansfield of Kennewick. Look in the annual on the inside cover and you will see Bob in near hysteria waiting to charge the field. After he charged about 2000 other people charged the field and one tremendous battle took place. Funny thing, the ballplayers were shaking hands. It was the adults from Pasco and Kennewick that were going at it.
By the way, Loren, you left off one of the smoothest athletes to grace Pasco's halls. Do you remember Rich Jimerson. Pure silk. Could run at light speed and make it look effortless. Great football and track man. Don't forget Mel Williams who went warp speed compared to mere mortals. Second in state his Junior year in the 100 yard dash to the soon to become world record holder out of Seattle. Another great athlete and man.
How many of you remember double days, and going to the A&W afterward turnout to down a couple quarts of root beer at the outrageous price of a quarter for a quart. Can you believe how cheap that was?
I remember Bob Stromer being somewhat of an entrepreneur his Junior or Senior year. He would go diving for golf balls out at the Muni during the night. Scoop up about a 100 or so balls and then sell them 3-4 for a buck depending on the brand at the green of the first hole. (Titleist always cost more)
How many of you guys remember opening day at the Juvenile Pond? Many of us would camp out the night before and freeze our tail off waiting for daybreak to catch the fish. Tell me something Doyle (Clapper), were you telling us the truth when you told us you were the only guy that was not subject to the bag limit?
Even though it was in Kennewick, I'm sure that many of you will remember the Social Club. I was there the night the famous Fats Domino came to play. Most of us didn't "Find Our Thrill on Blueberry Hill" there, but Inspiration Point got thrilling at times. Right Larry? Remember the legend of the man with the "Hookarm?" He or his ghost I'm sure is still haunting that place.
By the way, whether we called it Hookey-bobbing or Hickey-bobbing, it was always fun and thrilling. Especially the manholes and the occasional set of railroad tracks.
Yes, Stace true friends were born during those time, and you have always been one of them. Thanks for the glove. (Or was it a wool sock?)
Keep sending the memories folks. It makes for great reading.
Dave Whitmire (62)
Olympia, WA
From: Jeff Jumper (62)
Re: Hooky (Hicky) Bobbin and other Pasco winter sports I've been lurking for several months, reading the fun notes from everyone and declining to participate. I lurk no longer. Stacy's note yesterday has stirred me to join in. The day before yesterday I was regaling folks here on our little Hawaiian island with tales of hooky bobbin and other Pasco winter sports.
The thing that made drug store on Sylvester such a great hooky bobbin launch point was the afore mentioned short block wall and a bunch of U-Haul trailers parked beside the wall AND the cars usually stopped before they left the alley and turned on to the street. Several guys could hide between the trailers and if your teamwork was excellent, everyone could hook up on one car. In addition to bare manhole covers, other unseen dangers were just around the corner.
One night, Doyle, Bob Coffee and I were waiting for the perfect candidate to leave the drug store parking lot for our last ride. Out of the store came a short, 900 year-old, blue-haired granny lady. She was driving a 1954 Desoto sedan, 35 feet long, 14 doors, 27 windows with a big block hemi V-8 for power. We instantly agreed that this was indeed the perfect target.
Employing teen-age stealth developed over years of hooky bobbin, we each waited in our dark hide out as she turned down the alley and slowly passed by. Her speed was perfect. Slow enough for each of us to successfully grab the steel bumper and get set for the ride. Everything went as planned for about 20 feet. Then she turned left onto 11th street, jammed the pedal to the floor and we were off like a rocket.
Thirty five miles per hour is not all that fast when you're sitting inside the car, but when you're attached to the bumper, riding on your shoes, it's flyin'. Not only were we zooming around snow -covered Pasco streets, we were zooming too fast to let go and the granny from hell wasn't stopping for stupid things like stop signs and cross traffic.
I looked at Doyle and Bob. Their expressions confirmed my worst fear - we were going to die, we just didn't know where. We rode for what seemed an eternity, powerless over the situation until, for some unknown reason, granny finally stopped at a stop sign. We all unhooked from the bumper and just sat down. While we sat in the street, granny concluded our ride by heavily spraying us with snow as she blasted away from the stop.
We silently got to our feet and walked to our respective homes to wait for the adrenalin rush to subside. Mine lasted until the snow melted that year. I'm not sure, but I think that was my last hooky bobbin ride.
Another great Pasco winter sport was car hood tobogganing. All you needed was snow on a hill, a bunch of slightly-dim-but-immortal teenagers and an old car hood. 51 Ford hoods were the best choice.
All ya had to do was take the hood and the teenagers to the top of the hill, flip the hood upside down, load all the kids on the hood and push off. If you were lucky, someone remembered to bring some rope, which could be woven around the edges of the hood for hand holds. Otherwise you had to risk amputation when you grabbed the bare metal at the hood's edge. Steering was not available. Too much fun!
I live and work with folks who have never been away from Hawaii. They think its winter and terribly cold when the night time temperatures dip into the lower 60s. So, when I tell them about Pasco winters, they have trouble believing me. Here are a couple of unbelievable-to-them examples; You know it's pretty cold when you step outside and your nose freezes shut. You can tell how cold it is by the sound the snow makes as you're walking. Male plumbing can in fact disappear. Nobody, Hawaii or mainland, believes me when I describe a Chinook wind. :>)
OK. There's my contribution for today. Perhaps next time I can put together some tales of the Columbians and other hoodlum stories.
Aloha a me malama pono (Bye for now and take care),
Jeff Jumper (62)
Molokai, HI
From: Sheldon Spadafore (65)
I believe the "Hickey Bobbin" was the correct term for hitching a ride behind a car in the snow.
Did it a couple of times before my parents found out. After then - well, I treasured being able to sit down more than having a little fun. I would have had my backside tanned from there to Sunday......
Hookey is what too many got by with when skipping school..... :o) Not that I did anything like that...... ;o) (wink, wink).
Yes, it is good to hear remembrances of the "Good Ol' days"....
Peace and goodwill.
Sheldon Spadafore (65)
Booragul, New South Wales, Australia
From: Le'Ann McAllister Cherry (67)
I, for one am very saddened at the passing of David Cherry. He was a real nice guy and I have known him and his family for many many years. He also went to my church in Pasco when we were all very young. He was kind of shy in school but that made him very sweet. Good Bye David, we should all be lucky enough to see you later at a different place and time !!!!
Le'Ann McAllister Cherry (67)
Kennewick, WA